Thread: Giving Head
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Old 11-07-2003, 08:20 PM
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TerrieFaz TerrieFaz is offline
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Steph I think you are right. My proffesion in my younger days , I was a topless dancer. At 43 years of age...BTW.. Just curious. I started that when I was dancing. I had 3 kids by the time I was 19. So I worked to keep my family feed. Amd alot of people will never understand, when there is no S/O around.
But maybe im going a bit of my youth. Im with a wonder full man and we have an open relationship for the past 15 years. BUT even though after my incounter with this man lastnite, it felt like years ago when they cum so fast.
We swing together most of the time,but some times I will get an urge to check out someones pacage at a club. But lastnite reminded me of years ago. He was not a stranger but my G/F said he is good in bed. Well my question still stands. BTW im bisexuel to. Even my G/F Robin says the same thing about uncut .And believe me in our younger years...LOL
I must of giving head to over 100 diffrent men and her she will mot tell.........That BLEACH BLOND BITCH.........Just kidding Robin.
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