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Old 10-30-2003, 03:38 PM
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ThePower of Chinese Woman
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it doesn't have to be a specific song that make me sad, but for example if i listened to this songs in the past at the time I was feeling down, and then a couple of years later i listen to that songs then it remind me of the time i was feeling down. that is sad.

there are a lot of songs that listened in the past, some songs I listen at the happy time, some song i listened to when i was feeling down. so you know all type of emotion. I have a very strong emotional feeling toward songs(expecially) toward place like specific place second, then food is next.

oh well! i am just an extreamly emotional person that is all

here are some songs that remind me of down time and happy time.

Modern Talking songs - remind me of happy time, very happy
ABBA- remind me of happy time as well
Madona old dancing song - remind me of happy time
BoneyM - remind me of happy time

Celin Deon songs - remind me of sad very sad down time
Tonny Braston songs - remind me of sad very sad time

There are a lot of old folk Chinese songs remind me of very sad emotional time when my parrents almost divore and fight all the time. Very sad for me.

THere are a lot of Vietnamese songs remind me of sad time and happy time as well

dam! I am just a very confusing woman that is all
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