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Old 10-29-2003, 05:15 PM
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seriousfun seriousfun is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Culver City, CA, US
Posts: 226
I live well away from any danger (near LAX), and work in the San Gabriel Valley, south of Pasadena, so I commute closer to the fires.

On Friday, the air was filled with smoke at work. The smoke didn't reach my home until Sunday about 11 AM when the Santa Ana winds blew it to the Southwest.

Now the air throughout the basin is smoke + vehicle/industrial emissions + fog. A thick, beige soup. The winds that were 50-60 miles/hour from the desert in the northeast are now 30-40 miles/hour from the ocean in the west. This wind is slightly more moist, but basically it is just pushing the fire to new places, so it's not over.

It's a disaster from any perspective, and we will have to pay for this for many years.

The sad thing is, these people moved into these developments in the foothills, in known fire areas, without 30' perimeter firebreaks and with inadequate water.

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