Thread: Buying a webcam
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Old 10-26-2003, 09:25 PM
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I can share me “very limited”, personal insight with you since you’re not getting much from the real people in the know. I purchased mine without a lot of research from less than a dozen on-the-shelf web cams in three stores one Saturday morning. I found reading the boxes closely and asking fellow shoppers more informative than any of the sales people. lol

Only seems to be two levels separated by centebucks. Everything within the range of the average user ($50 - $150 US) was pretty much the same resolution wise. The next step in hardware opened at around $450 and went from there.

There is a larger range of hardware capabilities that are determined by the software (like all hang-ons) than anything else. A lot of the performance and abilities are set by what you’re plugging it into. No use paying now, for something your processor can’t handle unless you have an upgrade in the foreseeable future. Word of mouth told me that the most economical and popular brands had about the best software. (go figure )

Bells & Whistles-
Here is where the biggest difference was available and easily found from the box hype. The only feature I regret not getting on mine is a zoom capability. Easier to zoom than relocate, align and refocus for different applications.

Other Applications-
I’ve become a real fan of web cams for other than “personal” and “fun” use. I’ve gotten seven different companies to start using them for expedient show-and-tell functions that saves a ton of CAD and e-mail time when used with the phone for quick concept conversations. It really is a hell of a tool for the price and uses.

If you’re thinking of a web cam as a substitute for a digital camera, I think you’ll be disappointed. They have the capability to take a still and even streaming pics, but not of a quality I believed care for.

Hope that helps a little.…….. If not, call Steph and tell her your problems.
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