Thread: ~Pet Names~
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Old 10-24-2003, 04:10 AM
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I love to use pet names and usually they just start from some silly something that happened or something we've said. I used to call one of my gf's Precious, another was Dollbaby. It just sort of evolves during the course of things.As for being called any, hell just call when it's time to get frisky and I'm there. LOL

Reminds me of an old joke about the father who had just killed his first deer and brought home the venison for a meal. His wife cooked it up and served it without revealing it to the kids, Doris and Willie. As the meal gets started Dad asked the kids how was everything? They had only picked at the meat offerings, curious to know what is was. :"Well, just as a hint , it has the same name as one of the things your mom calls me." There was a moment of silent contemplation as suddenly Doris gasps and says

"Spit it out Willie, it's ASSHOLE!"
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