10-17-2003, 12:58 PM
ThePower of Chinese Woman
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 985
Do you wash your mouth after eat Oyster?
do you?
do you also wash your mouth after eat banana ???
I heard people said that if you don't wash your mouth after that, you go out and talk with people, the other person can regonize that you just eat oyster or banana.
can you regonize people after they had ate ??
you know what I meant by Banana and Oyster right? I once mentinoned this term before. 
In other countries like Far East Asia women are still held in LOWER esteem BUT in China, it’s a different story. Chinese women are much more aggressive and outspoken and held in Higher esteem.” I love Communist that provides males and females Equality and WOMEN’S Rights in China.