Thread: OW.. soreness..
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Old 10-16-2003, 05:53 AM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
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I'm at a loss here racevixen! I've had this (your symptons) happen after a rather heated and dramatic sex session......but was temporary and not something I could set my clock to with my menstral cycle! That you can pinpoint the time of onset might be a good thing for your OBGYN to know to determine the cause. But, I still insist that if nothing above has even attempted to help you figure this out.....this is definitely a reason you NEED to see your doctor! Don't delay.....and don't fret it's most likely something easily treated! It doesn't sound as though you are in a dire medical emergency........but just to know what and why and begin a "cure" (for lack of a better word)......will be a relief for you and your S/O! Please make that appointment ASAP....and please keep us we all care and will be holding good thoughts for you!
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