10-16-2003, 05:53 AM
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Pa. USA
Posts: 11,637
I'm at a loss here racevixen! I've had this (your symptons) happen after a rather heated and dramatic sex session......but was temporary and not something I could set my clock to with my menstral cycle! That you can pinpoint the time of onset might be a good thing for your OBGYN to know to determine the cause. But, I still insist that if nothing above has even attempted to help you figure this out.....this is definitely a reason you NEED to see your doctor! Don't delay.....and don't fret either.....as it's most likely something easily treated! It doesn't sound as though you are in a dire medical emergency........but just to know what and why and begin a "cure" (for lack of a better word)......will be a relief for you and your S/O! Please make that appointment ASAP....and please keep us informed......as we all care and will be holding good thoughts for you!
Minds are like parachutes. They only work when they are open.
~Thomas Dewar~