10-15-2003, 10:14 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Missouri
Posts: 108
Sheila and I have discussed this question -- and I would like to say that we trust each other as much as anyone could, she palys her games with people, as do I (mostly openly, and in front of each other), however, we do not go any further, without talking of it first. We are very much in agreement before anything is ventured. I understand, however, that most relationships are not this open. I really have to agree with pantyfanatic on this point --- the cell phone message would make anyone (including us) suspicious.
Best advise is to decide for yourself how well you trust her. I do also agree, that trust is the basis for any good relationship (as a close second would be open/honest disscussion, -- on ANY subject)
Best wishes for you !!!