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Old 10-09-2003, 05:52 AM
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Originally posted by LixyChick
he is 13 going on 29 and she is at wits end at this moment as to what to do to guide him in the right direction! Up until just this year he has been an exemplary child.....and then he became posessed! It seems to me that silentsoul has a good point about outside sources influencing a childs life, no matter the good examples set at home!!! Please correct me if I'm wrong......but how else could one explain my sister's son seemingly changing into a horror overnight???

BTW...did I mention he is 13.....and has "discovered himself"??? He now knows EVERYTHING, including everything sexual....and doesn't need sis's influence to interrupt him while he goes about his life!!!!!

Mine's 12.5 you explained it...testosterone. Induces all sorts of odd behaviors.

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