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Old 08-07-2003, 02:21 PM
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thedog thedog is offline
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When I was a kid, growing up on a farm in PA, my Aunts and Uncles used to visit a lot. My Mom had lots of brothers. Even way back then, there was this one 1st cousin ... and even then we used to sneak off to the hay loft and do the petting and kissing thing. I always loved it when "Uncle Ron" came to visit.

Many years later (family reunion), there we were again - grown, early twenties and the attraction was still there. We had the occasion to step aside from the crowd and joke about our early days. The problem with all that was that she looked so-o-o-o good - she had gotten quite attractive. And the intrigue of it all still lingered between us.

More years later (3-4) we accidentally ran into each other under different circumstances - this time it was just her and me. No family reunion, no parents ... and the attraction and fascination with each other was still there ... alas, no hay loft.

Hay loft, Hell - we checked in at the Embassy Suites on '"M" Street in Washington DC and proceeded to screw each other's brains out.

That was the last time we saw one another. But it fulfilled a childhood fantasy and that evening is one hell of a pleasant memory.
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