08-06-2003, 01:50 AM
registered lurker
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Texas
Posts: 3,030
Once again I seem to have missed 10 o'clock, but I'm making an exception for you Skip. :lust:
Lately I've been dreaming about the guy who delivers coffee up at work. He comes in with his perfectly creased slacks, starched shirt that wouldn't even consider wrinkling, suede shoes ... perfect hair ... beautiful smile, sexy dimples ... we chat for a few minutes, I hand him the check for the coffee, our hands touch ... he smiles softly and raises my hand to his lips, kisses the back of my hand, turns it over and places several light kisses along my palm ... then gently nibbles that little fleshy area between the thumb and index finger. Unfortunately, I always wake up at that point ... perky, moist and frustrated. 