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Old 08-04-2003, 05:21 AM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Pa. USA
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My Dodge Durango must have "louder" lights than some vehicles......because I get the same flases from oncoming cars at times. I just show em my beamers and they stop "asking" me to lower my lights!

I can take someone coming at me and accidently forgetting they have their high beams's bright, but not something that makes me stare at it and feel like I've had a welding flash! That's what those high intensity (blue) headlights do to low or high beam mode! I actually find it hard to look away.....but all the while it is killing my eyes!

There's gonna be alot of accidents because of them.........and how can you prove it? The oncoming car will be long gone when the cops get there!

I actually agree with you, Cobalt, in that they must be great when one is sitting behind them.....I can see how things would be brighter (more visible)........but what I can't understand is......who tested these things? Did they do it in real life scenarios under all driving conditions.....from everyone's point of view??? Well....around my area we don't have any street lamps to acclimate your eyes to oncoming lights when they come up on you. I could drive for miles before encountering an oncoming vehicle. When I do realize I am coming up on someone, I lower my beams and, usually, so do they......but it doesn't matter with those new lights......THEY ARE A BITCH!!

Thanks everyone.....for letting me rant!
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