I have no doubt that in many if not most cases, small penis' can be great. Both for the male and female.
All I know about is my personal situation. I fell in love with my wife the moment I saw her. She says the same thing. The plumbing did not matter at all.
So, we have been together well over twenty years and have two kids. Even in the beginning, I could not feel a whole lot. Please understand, the sex was good for me, and apparently good for her. It was more mental than anything. I thought that was just the way it is and did not worry.
Then, over time, childbirth, and possibly me becoming smaller, the sex became kind of a waste of time. I just felt nothing and I know my wife felt nothing. We got off in other ways, but not a whole lot with sex.
So then, a few years ago, I found the penis enlargement message boards and started hanging weights just on a whim. Damned if it didn't work. Within a few months, I told my wife what I was doing. It had become obvious that something was different because both of us felt more and the orgasms were forceful. She was ok with it, but said it did not really matter to her. Later she admitted she was not telling the truth.
I continued for a couple years until she asked me to stop. You CAN have too much length. Continued with the girth exercises a while longer. To make a long story a little longer, sex became something I never even imagined. The feelings for both of us became so intense.
During her pregnancies, we learned about kegals. I always assumed she did not do them because I never felt anything "grab" my penis during intercourse. Well, one time after I had been PEing for a while, she did, and I simply can't describe it. It seems as if a certain amount of internal pressure is required before her muscles can fully contract when flexed. Apparently, I acheived the size needed so that she could fully contract. It seemed as if my penis literally exploded.
Now, sex is an adventure. Just regular sex. For many years, we might get together once a month. Now, we try to do it as often as possible. Usually five or six times per week. We were already very close. Now, we are even closer. I know I know, that's sick.
Everyone is different. I have read of some women who do not enjoy anything too large. Others who do not like anything small. Guys talk about "tight stuff" or "loose stuff". You just try to do whatever is right for your situation.
Sorry this was so long,