12-13-2001, 09:42 PM
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Canada
Posts: 58
Yeah, I think as long as it's a healthy penis, it's a beautiful one especially when it's on the man you love.
Now if it's on a man you want to ride, then if the package is nice then the cock is too. So it really is a whole package thing.
My last boyfriend had a 2" penis. Soft it was just a head sticking out, so it kinda looked funny (but I never, ever laughed or even mentioned it, not even when we broke up, that's what God gave him and who am I to question God). It never bothered me until he started playing some serious head games and pulling other sick shit (I use that word for a reason) on me. Then him (the whole package) was just unattractive.
Sweet Chastity