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Old 07-03-2003, 11:27 AM
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don't fret Scarlett

Originally posted by Scarlett
1. I forgot to be the tooth fairy AGAIN! I forget almost every time. I am the worst tooth fairy EVER!

I forgot every time. I forgot so many times, I created a story for my kids that went....

Well you know how santa can cover the world in one night because of the time continuem....well the tooth fairy doesn't get that option, so she is almost always a night behind.

Hey it worked...I heard my son re-assuring one of his friends whose parent had forgotten also, that he would get his the following son told it with such confidence, and his friend bought it hook line and fairy dust.

Creativity...Gotta Love it!
"When I'm good I'm very, very good~but when I'm bad, I'm perfect."
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