06-04-2003, 10:11 PM
here and there
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Western NY
Posts: 3,601
131. Carve your girl/boyfriends initials...in a marshmallow.
132. Converse...with a flatworm.
133. Speak in acronyms.
134. Drive the speed limit...in your garage.
135. Make a schematic drawing...of a rock.
136. Be a rabid Boxcar Willi fan.
137. Sing the National Anthem...during your calculus final.
138. Pay off the national debt...with a bad check.
139. Calmly have a nervous breakdown.
140. Give your goldfish a perm.
"It takes a lot of brains to enjoy satire, humor and wit - but none to be offended by them." -- Johnny Hart ("BC", cartoonist, 2000)
"Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog: Nobody really enjoys it and the frog generally dies as a result." -- E. B. White