Thread: Exhibit 'A'
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Old 06-04-2003, 08:39 AM
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Jaylene Jaylene is offline
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Join Date: May 2003
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Posts: 403
A year ago, I decided to take my bf away for a romatic weekend out in the country. We stayed at this great B and B. And I brought lingerie for each night. Well I left one accidently in the closet when we left. The funny thing is they sent it back to me...AT WORK! The office staff has a policy and opens all mail and packages. So I get this call"HHMMM you have this package. It is un something white and lacy"..I say "Are you trying to tell me I just got underware in the mail? I ask where it is from, and when he tells me from some in. I just died laughing!
"Yes I did go to him,
but completely against my will,
and yes he did things to me,
things of which I dream of still,"

-Cowboy Junkies "Black-eyed Man"
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