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Old 05-28-2003, 12:24 PM
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Kimberly73 Kimberly73 is offline
It's me again
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Maryland
Posts: 678
I know I have been thinking of sex a LOT the past six months or so.....I have been wanting sex a lot too. Luckily for me I have a wonderful husband who is more than willing to help me out with that. I also seem to be finding plenty of people willing to keep me happy and satisfied when I want it.....even if I don't always take them up on their generous offers(ok....maybe I have with a for finding time. You need to just fit it in when and where you can. We have to wait sometimes til our daughter is in bed. We may also just go out and have some time to ourselves. I feel that if you want it badly just have to make it happen.

We've never felt like it was getting monotonous....we are always trying new things. You just have to find ways to keep things interesting. I think we do a pretty good job of that in our marriage We may not have been married as long as some others on Pixies (7 years in October) but I know I have not gotten tired of him. Even if I am with other people at times....I know he's the one I'll be coming back to. We really love each other and have a very deep connection. I don't think we will ever lose that something that keeps us wanting each other.

Some of my threads
Just More Pics Of Me
After The Ride Home
My Pictures
Fun With Cucumbers
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