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Old 05-27-2003, 06:53 PM
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jennaflower jennaflower is offline
Lusting Horny Pixie
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Posts: 4,292
maybe I am naive...


I believe (misguided as I may be), that EVERYONE has curiousity regarding sex with someone of the same gender. That being said, I believe that what makes the difference is how willing someone is to explore it... or even admit that the curiousity is there...

I have been curious about other women from the time I was about 9 or so... is it something that I would consider exploring? Probably not.. tho the exception would be if it were something that my partner desired to share with me, then I might consider it.

Yeah, there are people who... when the subject is brought up are completely outspoken against... but that is another thread.. about different issues (IMHO)
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