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Old 05-27-2003, 12:07 PM
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A smack, a bump and a fall on the floor...Part two!

Reading Skipthisone's thread made me think of heat of the moment I was just wondering what sorts of injuries you have sustained all in the name of love so to speak

While my boyfriend was licking my pussy I had a huge orgasm and rammed my pelvis into his mouth...poor thing! not only did I jam his teeth, but got a slight cut on my clit too...But it was worth it

Another time he was kneeling over me and I again rammed into him and we thought I sprained his got to laughing thinking of how we would explain that one...Thankfully he was fine after the initial waves of pain subsided

I have also had handprints on my hips from him holding on for dear life, and bruises from being banged oh so good! We don't necessarily go for rough, but as the passion takes you away, anything can happen!
my pics

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Never say never, but if you do it's okay to change your mind~me, I think
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