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Old 05-27-2003, 11:30 AM
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girls_rule girls_rule is offline
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Posts: 27
Sexually Charged

In spending just a few weeks perusing this site it amazes me how sexually charged so many people are. I go through spurts like that, but it doesn’t last for more than a few days. Who knows, maybe that’s because my partner is indifferent to sex and if he was more willing I might stay sexually energized indefinitely, but I don’t honestly think that I’d want to or even be able to stay sexually driven all the time. I noticed one log entry about how often people have sex and tons of you said 2-3 times a day, or at least every day. In a relatively new relationship where your discovering each other having non-stop sex is great, but then life just seems to get in the way and it’s hard to find the time, energy or mainly the desire to have sex all the time.

Is a supercharged sex life reality for anyone with a long-term relationship? If so how do you find the time and keep the day to day challenges of life from getting in the way of feeling sexy, kids, work, hobbies? Taking away all of the other issues, my big question is how do you keep it from getting monotonous? I mean too much of even a really good thing gets old and boring.
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