05-27-2003, 12:02 AM
Registered User
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Rochester N.H.
Posts: 4,134
txgrneyes---I hope that you know,that is a 4-leaf clover!
A Shamrock(Irish)has 3 leaves.My wife came home with a
tattoo,to suprise me.She got it on her foot.I told her,that it was
a clover,she was mad at the Tattoo Artist.I told her,he just did what you picked out,it's not his fault.I got a shamrock,years ago,
that says IRISH(my nickname)under it.My youngest daughter got
a "Celtic"shamrock,on her ankle.I never heard of them.It is nice.
She just got a new one on her lower back.It is a nice design with
both of her sons names at both ends! Irish
P.S.That tattoo is nice.I have never seen that combo before!
P.P.S.Her sons names are Liam(autistic)&Killian.
Irish---Better to be dead & cool,then alive & uncool!
(Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man)