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Old 05-22-2003, 09:26 PM
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Re: 2178

Originally posted by MilkToast
Actually, the spanish word "colorado" is used to mean "to have color" and is usually associated with things having a red hue to them (i.e. people who are red in the face from being agry or that are blushing).

Just to make sure I recalled that right, I grew up speaking spanish, I cross checked it at:

(one of the better free sites for castillian spanish to english, french, or catalan).

However, the more I look the more it appears that the word, when looked up in the Spanish to English dictionaries, comes up as "red". So, there is something to the original statement. I am pretty certain that in normal conversation one would not refer to things that are red as "colorado/a".

Hey, everything was prefaced with an attribution to source for a reason.

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