Thread: one million
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Old 05-22-2003, 05:37 AM
MilkToast MilkToast is offline
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Originally posted by dadaist
I'm not sure how many people were getting it in their homes in 1992, as gopher was still the tool of choice (until the University of Minnesota decided it reserved the right to potentially charge a fee for its use). Officially, the program known as worldwideweb got started at CERN in 1990 (on a black NeXT Cube!).


granted, probably not the best choice of words to say that it started up for for home use. Looking at the information on and the history it would be safe to say that it was the first year that it was trully available to the non developers (i.e. the public).

Now, this is from personal recollection.... At the time it was browsable by text only and HTTP still had not replaced my favorite pass time for getting stuff: FTP (wuarchive, still around, being one of my all time favorites). Once the first versions of the browsers became available (beta versions of NCSA mosaic) my focus shifted to putting up a very early web page and seeing what was out there.

Guess I was in the right place at the right time: a college kid with too much time and a dorm room that actually had ethernet wired to it in 1992. At the time we all actually had PCs "on the net" without the worry, or need, for a firewall

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