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Old 05-21-2003, 02:10 PM
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Speaking of musical notes, it's well known that Johann Sebastian Bach (and probably his kids too) did some musical variations on his name, using the four notes B-A-C-H.
How, you might ask....
In the German notation system, the keys A C D E F and G are where we'd expect them (using a piano keyboard, for example). BUT, H is used for what we call B, and B flat is B. The other sharps and flats all have other names as well:

C# is Cis
D flat is Des (generally assumed to be the same note)
D# is Dis
E flat is Es
F# is Fis
G flat is Ges
G# is Gis
A flat is As
A# is Ais (pronounced A-is)

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