In Which Alice rediscovers Innocence and learns the virtues of Purity; in which Innocence and Purity are shown in the practise of religious devotion; and in which Innocence leaves Chastity and Purity loses Innocence.
The fruition of all plans is often much less than the ambitions associated with their formulation, and so it was with the vacation that Purity had planned together with Innocence. They had scarcely been away a day when over a drink in a café that was near the hostel they were staying at they found themselves scaling down their plans to much more manageable proportions for the time available. It was then that Innocence suggested that they should visit her friend Alice whom she’d not seen for a long time.
“I’ve always been a bit nervous visiting her, because she didn’t really get on very well with Chastity,” she exclaimed.
“Who does?” bitterly commented Purity.
“That’s a bit unfair,” Innocence said in her sister’s defence, but significantly not contradicting the assertion.
It was a couple of days later that Purity and Innocence arrived at Alice’s house, wearing robust shoes, shorts and tee-shirts. Alice lived in a part of the country that Purity had never visited before, but it was very suburban and quiet. She enjoyed the leafy greenness of it all, but she didn’t relish at all the stares that she got as she walked along. She wasn’t sure it was because there weren’t many young women her age so relatively lightly clad or if it was because she was the only black face around. Alice’s home was a quite dilapidated terraced cottage in a quite anonymous street. A red telephone box stood in front of her house by a row of quite old cars composed in equal measure of rust and metal. Alice, herself, when she opened the door was completely naked, which seemed very unusual in this town with long hair down to her waist that obscured her small breasts but not her light covering of pubic hair. When she saw Purity there with Innocence, she started as if in a kind of shock.
“You! Is it you!” she cried.
Purity wasn’t sure what to say, but she smiled broadly.
“Hello, Alice! I hope you don’t mind us turning up unannounced like this,” said Innocence. “Meet Purity. A good friend of mine who I’ve known from school.”
“Oh! Purity! A school friend!” Alice remarked. “Well, come in. Come in. I’m sorry I seemed so startled. I just thought Purity was someone else.”
“You mean, you thought she was Kedi?” suggested Innocence, as she and her lover brought their bags into the small narrow hallway.
“I’m afraid you’re right,” Alice admitted.
The house inside was decorated quite well, with thick wallpaper, framed pictures of cats and other animals and rather a lot of mirrors. Alice escorted them into her living room, where Purity and Innocence sat on the sofa, while she busied herself with making some tea.
“I hope you don’t mind us staying for a couple of days, Alice?” asked Innocence. “It’s so long since we last met and I don’t want to appear to be imposing on your hospitality at all.”
“That’s fine!” smiled Alice. “I’m quite grateful for visitors. It can sometimes get quite lonely, you know, living by oneself.”
“Don’t you share the house with Dinah?”
“No, not any more. And I can’t say I regret that at all. For all I love my sister, I feel so much happier without her around. And in any case it was beginning to get very strained the two of us living on top of each other. I could hardly feel I had a life of my own. And, as you know, there are other things that complicate matters.”
“Yes, there are,” agreed Innocence sadly. Purity couldn’t be sure as she sat on the sofa sipping the tea that Alice had prepared whether her lover was reflecting on her troubled relationship with her own sister, but she was quite convinced that she was.
“Did you and your sister part on good terms?” wondered Purity.
“What a question!” laughed Innocence embarrassedly.
“Well, not totally,” admitted Alice. “And being apart does have its disadvantages. It’s a lot more expensive for a start. And I don’t get to meet all of Dinah’s friends so often. But all in all it’s much better. I feel much more independent. And I’m sure we get on better together than we used to.”
The three girls spent a long time chatting and reminiscing, sitting quite a distance apart on separate chairs. Purity felt constrained by politeness because she knew that Alice and Innocence had a relationship together in the past and would almost certainly like to spend time together. She also realised that both girls were less than totally forthcoming and would wait almost indefinitely for the other to take the initiative. She could catch the odd glance from the two girls’ eyes that told her that it was merely a question of finding the right opportunity and all would be well. She knew she shouldn’t feel such an encumbrance, but she was certain that if she weren’t there it would be easier for all concerned.
“You know, we haven’t brought any wine with us!” remarked Purity as it was approaching evening and the inevitable time in which alcohol would need to be imbibed.
“That doesn’t matter! I’ve got a bottle in the fridge.” Alice protested.
“We couldn’t dream of imposing on your hospitality as much as that!” Purity insisted. “Where might I go to buy a bottle?”
It was quite a way away along unfamiliar streets, but Purity dawdled there and dawdled back in the hope that in the time she was away Innocence and her friend would have picked up some of their boldness. It was not a pleasant wander for her, as she was very painfully conscious of the stares that she received from the older men and women around. And it wasn’t as if she was even showing her cunt. Or even her nipples! It was a relief for her to return to Alice’s house and to let herself in with the key that Alice had provided.
Her hopes for her lover’s return to intimacy with Alice were not disappointed as the two of them were lying together enmeshed in one other’s arms and had clearly been kissing each other. However, they hadn’t progressed too far, as although Alice was naked, Innocence had only stripped off her tee-shirt and was still wearing her shorts. Purity could see that the two of them would be sharing the bed together and that she would be sleeping alone on the spare mattress.
This indeed was what happened after they’d drunk both the bottles of white wine that Purity had brought back with the quantities of fish that Alice had prepared for dinner. They’d chatted over the sound of Alice’s choice of music, which was both bizarre and melodic, and got increasingly tipsy. Alice and Innocence were entwined increasingly closely in each other’s bodies, and Innocence had even stripped down to just her knickers. Purity had long since discarded all her clothes - feeling so much more comfortable being so unconstrained and felt the pile of the carpet prick into the dark flesh of her buttocks. Alice had many uncomplimentary things to say about Chastity, which Purity felt no compunction about echoing or supplementing. Innocence made very little comment as her two lovers complained about her bossiness, her aggressiveness, the extent of her sexual appetite and her perverse tastes, and most of all her lack of regard for other people’s feelings or their desire for privacy.
“She’s much worse than Dinah!” Alice remarked. “I don’t know how you can put up with her, Innocence. I really don’t.”
Innocence smiled sadly, but made no comment. It was clear that she found the conversation unsettling.
Purity deliberately drank more than usual, so that when she put her head down on the flat hard pillow she could lose her consciousness that much sooner. But as she sank off to sleep she was sure she could hear Innocence’s familiar cries of sexual ecstasy mingling with those of Alice’s. The thought crossed her mind that she could join them. She knew that neither would object too fiercely, and she felt that her current relationship with Innocence somehow gave her a kind of priority. Nonetheless, she thought, what the two girls want more than orgasms is just being together, and her presence would really just be a distraction. Perhaps not too unwelcome, but a distraction for all that.
Purity and Innocence stayed at Alice’s house for several days during which Purity felt very sexually frustrated as she observed her lover make frequent love with their host which although it was never done while Purity was able to watch was nevertheless done often enough and loud enough in Alice’s bed for her to have a very good idea of what was going on. She became increasingly bored by her stay. It wasn’t quite the adventure that she’d hoped for, and however much she knew that Alice and Innocence were enjoying the stay, she was rather looking forward to getting away. She almost looked forward to returning home to the flat with Chastity and Twelve, because at least she’d have Innocence to herself for some of the time.
It was Sunday and although Innocence wasn’t much of a churchgoer in Labia she felt enough loyalty to religion after her life in the Order of Magdelenites to feel that today was an opportunity for them all to go to church. The only church that Purity felt any interest in going to was the small chapel of the Brethren of the Eternal Virgin, which she’d heard had a particularly fascinating service. Neither Alice nor Innocence was familiar with the order, which Purity felt was just as well.
They dressed relatively modestly for the service, and joined the other churchgoers entering the chapel, who were generally also dressed quite demurely. Although the church promised to contain Brethren, the majority of the people going were women, mostly in their twenties and thirties, wearing dresses that reached down from a high tight collar to their ankle-boots. As they entered they were welcomed by solemn church music from a small piano and were greeted by the young minister wearing a gown that hid as much of him as the dresses of the women hid of them. He was very welcoming to the three girls and was particularly impressed by Innocence’s confession that she was a lapsed nun.
“I hope that you haven’t actually abandoned the Love of God,” he commented. “He will be with you always whether you are practising the faith actively or passively.”
He guided the three of them to seats on the hard benches near the front of the chapel. In front of each of their seats was the small cushion on which they could pray and a hymn book in a tatty brown leather cover, the print of which had been worn away to illegibility. While Alice and Innocence excitedly chatted to each other, Purity observed the minister as he welcomed in his congregation and noted with satisfaction the particular intimacy in which he greeted some parishioners by kissing them full on the mouth, with their tongues locked together. Others he merely stroked their buttocks and in some cases their crotch.
The church filled up fairly rapidly, and was soon full of the hubbub of polite conversation as the congregation chatted amongst themselves. When the minister had judged that everyone had arrived, he went to the pulpit and started the service. Innocence and Alice politely looked up at him with broad smiles as he began by welcoming everyone, commented on the weather and then asked if everyone could sing the first song from the hymnbook: Fuck Me Jesus. Alice raised her eyebrows at that but made no comment as the congregation launched into the song. “Fuck me Jesus So Hard I Can Feel Your Spirit Move Me!” the congregation sang.
Behind the pulpit was a small choir made up of young boys and girls separated by an aisle and supervised by some older choristers. They took the refrain with great enthusiasm - particularly the chorus. “May Your Sperm Imbue Me With The Holy Spirit. Fuck Me! Fuck Me! Fuck Me!” they sang.
The minister began his sermon which was about how the love of Jesus was so much a physical love and that His desire was that all his worshippers should share their love for Jesus and the love He felt for them in as carnal a way as possible. This short sermon was followed by another hymn: My Groin It Aches With Passion, followed soon after by successively: My Arse Belongs To You, Lord Jesus and Shower Me With Holy Semen.
“Let Us Pray,” announced the Minister. Alice and Innocence bowed their heads, but Purity kept her head up and watched as the Minister unbuttoned his gown while leading the prayer. Underneath he was wholly naked and taking his penis with one hand he masturbated while proclaiming his prayer. “Shower us with the Knowledge of how best to show our Love. Give us the ability to love our neighbours with all our heart and with the passion of Jesus Christ who so loved us that he died for our souls.”
When he finished with his “Amen.” the congregation looked up to see the Minister standing with his erect penis in front of him. A girl from the front row, sitting with her mother and father, stood up and with a few gestures she removed her dress which she left with her parents and stood wearing only her socks and ankle boots. She walked up to the Minister, and in front of the hushed congregation she kneeled down, took the Minister’s erect penis in her hand and stroked it slowly from the base to the glans. She continued doing this for nearly a minute, and then with a cry of “Hallelujah!” (which was echoed softly by several parishioners) she took the length of it in her mouth and sucked it long and hard.
Purity could see that the girl had not been selected for her beauty as she was rather plain, had virtually no figure to speak of and her eyes were just a little too close together. But the Minister was clearly enjoying her attention. While this was going on, several parishioners, crossing themselves, made their way to the front of the church and kneeled down in supplication in front of their Minister and his volunteer. It was then that this part of the service reached its climax, when the Minister carefully withdrew his penis from deep inside the girl’s throat and offered it in turn to each of the parishioners, male and female, who were to receive the fruit of Jesus’ love in the form of the semen that the Minister had blessed. As each took a small gobbet of semen from the erect penis which was practisedly secreting measured amounts of sperm with tiny little shudders, the Minister placed his hand on their head and said the same thing to each of them which was “Jesus Loves You, Sister.” or “Jesus Loves You, Brother.”
This ceremony went on for much longer than Purity believed possible. When each worshipper had received their small portion of semen in the mouth, they stood up with a beatific smile, crossed themselves and wandered back to their seat. She noticed that many of the women had fully undone the buttons at the top of their dress, revealing their chest, breast and nipples, presumably so that none of the Minister’s semen would spill on their clothes. These worshippers were of all ages, but interestingly were predominately the older or plainer members of the congregation.
When this part of the service was over, the Minister instructed the choir to divest themselves which they did, revealing their children’s bodies with undeveloped shape and in most cases yet to grow the slightest vestige of pubic hair. They came out in a row and stood facing the congregation and entertained with renditions of Jesus Is My Fucker, My Vagina Awaits Your Love, Sweet Lord and Fuck Me Gently, Fuck Me Slow, Jesus My Love. They then bowed their heads and turned around to leave the church. They were joined then by all the children from the congregation, leaving only the adults behind. Purity smiled. It was clear that the Brethren of the Eternal Virgin didn’t want to be seen to encourage under-age sex.
When the last of the children had left, then with a cry of “Hallelujah! God Be Praised!” all the congregation stood up and stripped off their clothes with the notable exceptions of Purity and her somewhat embarrassed friends. The congregation began kissing and stroking each other, and several made their way to the front of the chapel which was covered by a large red cloth over a thick pile carpet. They then started making passionate love with each other and their neighbours with the Minister watching over them and guiding them to their action. Purity watched fascinated at the mounds of flesh and the indiscriminateness of attention. There seemed to be no distinction observed at all in the gender chosen of their partners or several partners. Several parishioners cried out “Hallelujah!” and “May God be Praised!” before plunging into their sexual abandonment.
“Shall we join them?” wondered Purity, unbuttoning the top two buttons of her blouse.
“No! Not at all! This isn’t what I came here for!” protested Innocence uncertainly, no doubt very nervous of revealing her peculiar assets.
“You can if you like,” said Alice disapprovingly, “but Innocence and I are going home.”
Purity smiled. She’d not really expected much different from the two girls. But she knew what she wanted. She’d had her eyes on several of the more attractive women in the congregation, including a black woman with enormous thighs and very full lips, and a woman of nearly forty with a beautiful slim figure and perky little breasts. She continued unbuttoning her blouse, freeing the breasts that she’d kept so uncomfortably restrained, and pulling down her skirt. She kept her shoes on though, as she was sure that otherwise the stone floor of the chapel would be uncomfortably hard and cold. She then kissed Alice and Innocence tenderly, knowing that they would very soon be leaving, and then made her way up the aisle to the mass of bodies.
She hesitated on the edge, with others who were equally unsure but still murmuring the odd “Hallelujah!” The Minister was wandering amongst his orgiastic congregation waving his erect penis on them and scattering semen over them which they received gratefully. “Jesus showers his love on you!” he said as he released another gobbet of semen over a tall woman with a large birthmark covering half her face now slightly lightened by the shiny glutinous liquid of the Minister’s generosity. “I love you, Jesus!” she cried. “Fuck me, Jesus! Fuck me!” It certainly wasn’t Jesus, as far as Purity could see who was entering her vagina, nor was it Jesus who was thrusting simultaneously hard at her anus.
It was like entering the cold waters of a swimming pool, Purity decided. It’s better to dive straight in, rather than to wait for gradual acclimatisation. With that thought she lay herself on top of the large black woman, putting a hand in her crotch where a penis was thrusting in and out with great enthusiasm, and applied her mouth to that of a very young girl whose hair was in plaits and whose face appeared to be a mess of acne spots. She felt a frisson of pleasure as an erect penis, perhaps that of the Minister made its way into the moist and welcoming portals of her vagina.
Purity didn’t look forward to returning to Labia at all. She had rather enjoyed the respite from Chastity’s sour unfriendly character and resolved to herself to leave fairly soon after arriving. She could see that Innocence was aware of her unhappiness and was herself troubled by it. She made a few feeble attempts to defend her sister, but was quite clearly ill at ease with Purity’s bitter remarks. “Perhaps she’ll have changed after being left at home without us,” she commented unconvincingly.
There was no evidence of this when Purity and Innocence found Chastity and Twelve in the company of a young girl - probably no more than eleven years old - engaged in sex games in the living room. The girl was on her knees with her hands bound tightly behind her back and her mouth pressed against Twelve’s bare groin and with Chastity pressing hers against her hair. Before Innocence had the opportunity to announce their arrival, Chastity suddenly let loose a torrent of urine from her crotch which ran through the girl’s hair and trickled down her face. “Uuugghh!” she gasped with disgust. “It tastes horrid! I don’t like this anymore! I want to go home!”
Chastity made no reply. Instead she pulled the girl’s head forcefully back and placed her damp crotch against the girl’s mouth, with Twelve looking evidently less happy at the turn of events. She looked up from the child with a look of some concern and noticed Purity and Innocence watching with some disgust, still in their clothes and holding the rucksacks that they’d only just loosened off from their shoulders.
“Why! Hello there!” she greeted friendlily, drawing Chastity’s attention to the additional company. She turned her head round and smiled warmly at the two of them.
Innocence did not return the greeting with anything like the same degree of friendliness. “What are you doing to that poor girl?”
“Nothing that she’s not enjoying!” responded her sister baldly.
“I don’t believe you!” Innocence cried with a certain amount of passion. She dropped her rucksack on the ground. “Leave the girl alone now!”
Twelve backed off and stood sheepishly to one side. Her lipstick was a little smudged and she had a blue swelling around one of her eyes. Chastity pulled the child’s face closer to her groin. “We’re consenting partners. I don’t think you have any right, sister, to tell me what we should consent to do.”
“You seduce these children. You bring them home. And then you abuse them. You piss on them! You tie them up! You hit them! What sort of pleasure is that to most of them! You’re just a monster!”
“I don’t do anything with my lovers they don’t want me to...”
“Do you tell them in advance what you’re going to do to them? Did you tell this girl that you’d piss in her mouth?”
“She enjoyed it! It was fun!” Chastity looked at the girl who was weeping softly. She was standing up unsteadily with her arms behind her and her hair damp from its recent showering. Only the colour of the urine distinguished itself from the tears running down her face. Purity suspected that the girl wasn’t too sure what had been happening to her judging from the evidence of the grains of white powder left on a mirror laid flat on the table and a half empty bottle of whiskey by the side of it. Her gaze was unfocused and her mouth looked unhealthily lax.
“It might be fun for you, Chastity. But it’s just sadistic abuse of minors as far as any one else is concerned. And I don’t think this little child’s going to enjoy the memory of what you’ve been doing to her at all! And what would you have done later? Would you have crapped on her as well as piss on her? Would she be forced to eat her own shit? Would you start beating her with a stick? Would you push a dildo up her arse? You’re just a filthy disgusting pervert!”
“How dare you call me that! It’s the influence of your coal-cellar friend isn’t it? Making you a real goody two-shoes. I suppose she’s got you eating organic rice and chanting mantras now! What I do is my business and nobody else’s.”
“Come on, Twelve!” Innocence continued addressing the very guilty looking girl who was hoping to stay out of the fray. “What’s my sister been doing? Is there anything in fact that she’s not been doing? How many children has she abused? How many young boys has she sodomised? How many children has she tied up, beaten up, pissed on, shat on and humiliated? I bet this place has been like a sadomasochist’s sexual fantasy while we’ve been away.”
“It’s not always that bad!” Twelve said, weakly defending herself. “It’s just that we get carried away. And there’s some real good stuff I’ve been getting recently. You just don’t know what you’re doing after a while.”
“I don’t believe you!” countered Innocence. “I don’t believe my sister has ever not known exactly what she’s doing! In fact I don’t think I can bear to even live under the same roof as her.”
“Exactly right!” spat back her sister with a venom that startled Purity. “If you don’t like living with me, you can just leave. Forget all I’ve ever done for you. Forget that we’re sisters. Run off with your nigger lover and live in a tepee. Grow fucking lentils and be so fucking holy. I haven’t forgotten that not so long ago you were a fucking tight-arsed, dry cunted nun! Go back to your convent and be fucking sanctimonious somewhere else. Take your fucking Pure as the driven snow but as black as the fucking ace of spades girlfriend with you. I don’t care! I don’t fucking care what you and your cuntish friend do! You can just fuck off and never come back, for all I fucking care!”
“I’ll do just that! And now!” shouted back Innocence, who turned around and raced out of the room. Purity glanced back at Chastity who was watching as Twelve unfastened the cords binding the young girl’s hands together and comforted her as she cried with the abandon reserved for children. She then chased after Innocence, who true to her words was pulling her clothes and possessions out of the drawers in her bedroom and stuffing them with no particular attention into some cases.
“Are you serious, Innocence?” Purity asked watching as her lover busied herself with tears running down her face.
“I’ve never been so serious! I’ve got to get away! I can’t bear to live with her a moment longer!”
“But what about your studies? What about all the work you’ve done at the college!”
“That doesn’t mean anything any more! I’m leaving Labia! I’ll go off to the city! Start again. Live a life away from the malign influence of my hateful sister!”
Purity looked out of the bedroom at Twelve who was tenderly washing the young girl in the bathroom and at Chastity who was preparing some powder on the mirror and swigging from the bottle of whiskey while she did so. She glanced around malevolently at Purity. “Who’re you fucking look at, you fucking nigger!”
Purity declined to comment, but hovered at the doorway transfixed in hopeless indecision. What should she do? She didn’t feel inclined to join Innocence in her desperate departure. She resolved to return to Brook. That was after all where she felt most at home and where most of her friends were. She had never felt properly settled in Labia, and if Innocence was leaving there was nothing really to keep her there.
“My sister’s fucked me so many times! She’s fucked me like a fucking piston engine!” snarled Chastity. “Now she says she’s gonna leave me. What fucking ingratitude! I taught her everything she knows about fucking. The best fucks she’s ever had have been with me! Everyone else - you included - have just been fucking nothing. She’ll come back! She won’t be able to live without me and my cunt.” Chastity swivelled round in her chair and faced Purity with her shaved and slightly red vagina fully displayed. She opened her legs and slid a forefinger into the open crack while swigging a mouthful of whiskey. “Admit it! You want a taste of my cunt, too. But you’re not fucking going to! And neither’s my fucking sister! She may have the best fucking prick there is but this is one cunt she’s not going to get inside again!”
Purity grimaced and returned to Innocence’s bedroom to see if she could comfort her. She felt that her rôle at this moment was to stand by her lover’s side in her moments of distress. But Innocence was nowhere to be seen. She and all her bags were gone. So, too, Purity discovered were Twelve and the young girl. She was alone in the flat with Chastity. She ran frantically from room to room, hoping that she was mistaken or that some message had been left. But there was nothing.
“Lost something, nigger?” asked Chastity unkindly as she popped her head back into the living room. “Perhaps you want a fuck.” She had a very crude looking dildo inside her vagina and was pushing it in and out. Her nostril was running with snot mixed with a small amount of blood and her face had a wild expression on it. Purity didn’t answer. She picked up her bag and slamming the front door she left as well, leaving Chastity alone with her drugs and her sexual aids.
In Which Innocence is lost in Congress; and Twelve introduces Innocence to the literary merits of Honore.
Twelve had no intention of returning to the flat to rejoin Chastity. She’d had just about enough of her and how she’d persuade her to do things with her young lovers that made her feel guilty and soiled. She carried her rucksack of possessions over her shoulder through the streets of Labia, relishing the attention her appearance aroused, and made her way to the railway station. She wasn’t that surprised to find Innocence sitting on a bench in the station with her own untidy bags at her feet and her face buried in her hands. As she approached she could see that the bags were hurriedly packed and that several articles of clothing protruded through the openings of the bags. She placed a comforting hand on Innocence’s shoulder.
“Are you alright, Innocence darling?”
The unhappy girl raised her face to show the tears welling from her eyes and their liquid trails reflected on her cheeks. “Leave me alone! Don’t touch me!”
Twelve removed her hand tactfully. “Where are you going, Innocence sweetest?”
“Somewhere. Nowhere. Anywhere! I don’t know!”
“I’ll put you up in my bedsit for a day or so, if you like. It’s a bit cramped, but it’s the least I can do after the hospitality you’ve shown me.”
“I don’t want to! I don’t want anything to do with my sister. Or any of her lovers!”
“Don’t be silly, Innocence. You’ve got to stay somewhere. You can’t just sleep here. And you’ve never been to the capital before, have you? City life may well agree with you. Come on! I insist! I can’t permit myself to leave you in this state!”
It took a fair more effort on Twelve’s part, but eventually she persuaded Innocence to pick up her bags and join her on one of the many trains heading to the capital city of Congress. She sat next to Innocence with her arms around the girl’s shoulders, squeezing her close to her breast, wiping away her tears and listening without comment to Innocence’s long litany of complaints about Chastity. Her sister was blamed for almost every misfortune that had ever occurred in her life - a little unfairly Twelve thought, but she had long believed that it was merely a matter of time until the two separated.
Twelve’s bedsit on the twelfth floor of a tall apartment block was undeniably small. It consisted mostly of a single bed that filled out the space not occupied by a small shower, a single oven ring and a small cupboard that held all her worldly possessions. There was no space for any more furniture, and it was necessary for all her guests to join her on her bed. A small television set sat on top of the audio equipment piled high on the cupboard. Every available inch of wall was covered with postcards and posters that reflected her present obsessions and quite a few that she’d had and had not yet wholly abandoned. As always, it was with some difficulty that she pushed open her door as it caught on the cigarette stained carpet which covered the floor, and ignored the stares of her nosy neighbour - a girl who Twelve disdainfully noticed was unfashionably dressed in a twelve-inch dildo strapped to her waist with two long plaits at the back of her otherwise shaved head.
Twelve comforted Innocence as best she could, and with the skill that had come from considerable practice she divested the girl of all her clothes and persuaded her penis into erection and then into her welcoming vagina. She knew that Innocence was making love more out of a need for distraction than any degree of passion or affection, but she accepted that. It in no way lessened the pleasure she received as Innocence thrust deeply in and out of her. She buried her tongue deep into Innocence’s mouth, gliding it over her teeth and in and out of the crevices of her molars, more to prevent her returning to her litany of woes than in any particular desire for dental knowledge.
“Hi there, Twelve!” she heard while Innocence was plugging into her anus, now sufficiently lubricated with passion to take any punishment. “Got yet another new boyfriend.”
Innocence looked up from where she’d buried her face in Twelve’s smooth face, and with her penis still hidden inside, to examine Twelve’s visitor. It was Twenty - one of Twelve’s closer girlfriends - dressed exactly like Twelve with black lipstick and eye shadow and substantially fatter. Her stomach rolled over the leather straps confining her vagina and her large nipples stuck out in a kaleidoscope of lipsticked colours. Her shaved head was hidden by a beret and she held a lit cigarette in her left hand.
“Or girlfriend, I should say,” corrected Twenty. “Or is it both. Are you into transsexuals, now, sweetest? And what is she? Girl gone boy? Or boy gone girl? The operations must have been fucking expensive!”
Twelve twisted her body around and restrained Innocence while ensuring her still erect penis was embedded deep inside her cunt. She didn’t feel like sharing Innocence with anyone! Innocence probably wouldn’t want to anyway. And she knew that given even the slightest provocation, Twenty would get her fat surgery enhanced lips right over Innocence’s prick and suck out the last drop of semen from it.
“What the fuck do you want, Twenty darling?” Twelve asked friendlily. “Whatever it is you’re not fucking getting it from Innocence here.”
“Innocence, is it? What a fucking wonderful name! You don’t get many with names like that in Congress. Is it a girl’s name or a boy’s name?”
“Innocence is a girl. And always has been! She’s never had surgery or anything. She’s always been like that!”
“Well, fuck me!” exclaimed Twenty.
“No she won’t!” retorted Twelve quickly. Then more diplomatically: “Unless you want to, Innocence love?”
Innocence shook her head. It hadn’t been that easy persuading her to indulge with Twelve who’d been regularly making love to Chastity recently, and Twelve knew that she wasn’t one who readily swapped partners. Also she flattered herself with some justification, Twelve wasn’t that bad looking even if the slightest bit of sun got her peeling like a thin-skinned orange, whereas Twenty was really not that attractive however much she’d managed to keep abreast of the fashions.
“So, what the fuck do you want, Twenty?”
“I just wanted to know if you wanted to come out. Nowhere special mind. But somewhere.”
Twelve quickly assented, knowing that this would provide Innocence with the perfect excuse to stay and rest. She knew all that Innocence really wanted was time to reflect and retire. As she predicted, her friend showed no inclination at all in joining Twenty and her in going to the night-clubs or wine bars of Congress. She was quite happy curling herself into a naked ball under the ragged blankets of Twelve’s slim bed, while her hostess slipped on her leather thongs and joined Twenty.
“That’s a fucking neat beret you’ve got,” Twelve commented.
“Yeah. Fucking great!” sniffed Twenty nonchalantly. “They’re all wearing them these days! You’re not still wearing a cunt stud, are you? Fuck me, girl! You’d better take it out before we go anywhere. You don’t want people to think you’re some kind of dildo dyke, do you?”
Twelve had been away from the city too long, she could see. She carefully removed the stud and left it on the cupboard, while resolving to get a beret or similar as soon as possible. She felt a little anxiety that her reputation might be irreparably damaged if she were seen bare-headed. On the other hand, she felt sure that the hats she had stuffed in her drawers from previous vacillations of fashion wouldn’t quite fit the bill satisfactorily. She blew a kiss to Innocence’s distraught and sad little face as she departed with her arm around Twenty’s waist, and the two departed jerking their behinds - one taut and slim, and the other sagging uncomfortably over bulky thighs.
Twelve felt pretty sure that Innocence wouldn’t be happy for long staying with her in her tiny bedsit and she was also fairly sure that her own lifestyle would soon conflict very untidily with what she knew of Innocence’s while she had lived in Labia. She racked her brains as to what she could do with her, and was convinced she’d found a solution when she saw an advertisement in the local newspaper announcing that her friend Honore L’Oeuf was visiting the city. She felt sure that Innocence would get on well with her authoress friend with the massive 80 inch bust.
So when Twelve had at last returned mid-afternoon from a long night out in the night-clubs with Twenty and several other friends, her eyes bleary, her crotch dripping with semen and lubricating jelly and her thighs aching from dancing and fucking, she was pleased to see Innocence quite enthusiastic at meeting such a famous author. She hadn’t actually read any of Honore L’Oeuf’s erotic children’s stories, but she was familiar with the name. Twelve had herself met Honore when she was still a child herself - just on the edge of her teens and hungry for sex. Honore was attracted to her young child’s body with its smooth crotch and the fashion in those days for children’s clothes made her look even younger than she was with her long hair in plaits and a flared dress which revealed her lack of knickers underneath. It had been the first time that Twelve had made love with an older woman, and of course Honore couldn’t have been much more than twenty years old herself at the time. She still remembered with fondness the passion of their lovemaking and the accuracy with which Honore had identified the parts of her body which most enjoyed stimulation.
Twelve took Innocence to a Literary Festival that was being held in the Congress City Hall where Honore L’Oeuf was addressing a sold-out audience on the subject of sexuality, sexual abuse and children where she was no doubt rehearsing her familiar argument about the need for child erotica and how it did not imply at all any encouragement for the sexual abuse of children by adults. The hypocrite! commented Twelve to herself. Innocence and she hadn’t been able to buy any tickets so they waited until Honore had finished her lecture before entering the lecture hall.
Honore’s visit also coincided with the publication of a new book that was on display in the foyer, and Twelve guessed that part of her purpose in visiting the city was to publicise it. It was called James and the Giant Penis, and featured the hero of the hugely successful Willy Wanker and the Semen Factory in another story of child related penis adventures. Twelve idly skimmed through the pages of a copy that was underneath a display of the main character struggling with an enormous penis almost as tall as the boy himself and impossible to contain in any pair of trousers. The pictures inside showed lucidly the problems that poor James had with a penis that kept hitting people as it spurted into full erection, the mess it made on carpets and the difficulty it had in penetrating any orifice that wanted its attention. It did however make James very popular with other girls and boys who took great delight in playing with the penis and causing it to become embarrassingly erect and took showers in the gobbets of semen it inevitably released.
The author herself was dressed in an enormous blouse which was pulled in at her relatively slim waist, but didn’t in any way disguise the enormous swelling of her breasts against its fabric. The buttons held onto each other with a desperation that looked likely to fail every time her breast heaved with an exhalation of breath. She wore a very plain navy blue skirt and stockings and shoes. How drab! thought Twelve who had only that morning bought herself a green beret that she proudly wore on her shaven head.
When Twelve introduced Honore to Innocence she wasn’t at all surprised to see the way her eyes kept wandering back to the restrained breasts. Honore was renting an apartment in the city for the weeks that she was staying until returning to Brook. “I feel so much more at ease there!” she said smiling, holding the massive weight of her breasts in the palms of her hands. “I don’t have to squeeze these things into totally inappropriate clothes. But Twelve, you’d just feel so odd there. No fashions to follow. And you look so divine at the moment. What a cute beret!”
Innocence was dressed in just shorts and a tee-shirt. Twelve had had no success at all in persuading her to shave off any more hair than that which she was already taking off her legs and her armpits. She also had no success in persuading her to wear one of her older thongs or even to show her breasts. Innocence was (let’s face it!) rather dull really. However, it was clear to her that Honore was attracted by Innocence’s quite reserved character and her physical beauty. “Such a little beauty! The both of you must come back to my apartment.”
“And there are hidden secrets in Innocence’s knickers as well!” hinted Twelve as the three of them got into a taxi with a young girl whom Honore had persuaded to come back with her despite her mother’s reservations.
“What might those be?” wondered Honore playfully, with an arm around the small girl’s shoulders and a hand burrowed inside her blouse.
“Wait and see!”
Honore wasn’t disappointed when they got back to her luxury apartment and had insisted that everyone take their clothes off. “It’s so uncomfortable otherwise!” It had certainly been so for Honore who divested her clothes with great relish, tearing off several buttons from her capacious blouse. Twelve was pleased to see that the massive breasts were showing no evidence of sagging with age, and her enormous nipples were still as large as her thumbs when erect which they soon were. The young girl was much more embarrassed about taking off her clothes, revealing her total lack of breasts or indeed of any adult features, but it was Innocence who was the most embarrassed. Particularly, Twelve assumed, because her wonderful penis was already throbbing with desire and would take very little effort to become fully erect.
“What a darling surprise!” Honore gasped. “Is it real?”
“It’s as real as your massive mammaries!” Twelve remarked. “And produces much more milk!”
Honore leaned a hand out and stroked the penis. As Twelve suspected it immediately jumped to attention. “Look at this, Six!” she said to the girl who was with them. “Have you ever seen anything like this before?”
The girl shook her head shyly. “Only on TV. And not so big and stiff!”
“And talking of big and stiff...” laughed Twelve holding one of Honore’s nipples. She bent her mouth over and applied it to the mass of it. “Come on, Six (is it?) Taste this!”
Both Six and Innocence were soon persuaded to take turns on Honore’s prominent assets the nipples of which soon found themselves inside Six’s vagina and Innocence’s anus. Then with the application of some champagne that Honore had delivered by a very nervous maid (who resolutely declined to accompany them in their lovemaking), the four of them were soon indulging in some very frantic activity. Twelve loved nibbling at Honore’s breasts while Innocence hammered frantically into her anus. She persuaded Honore, who only rarely indulged in sex with penises, to accept Innocence’s member first into her vagina and then when her passion was greater into her arse. She even managed to persuade little Six (with a little kind assistance from Honore) to accept Innocence’s penis, despite her initial protests.
“I can’t do this! It’s not right!”
“It is, if it’s right for her!” insisted Honore, as Innocence’s penis thrust deeper and deeper into the child’s vagina which betrayed its virginity with a release of blood and a few cries of pain. “Six won’t be the first little girl whose loss of virginity I’ve supervised.” She looked at Innocence’s penis as it released semen over the child’s smooth skin. “Now back inside me!” she ordered, taking the penis before it was finished and with an agility even Twelve would have thought impossible for one with such large encumbrances swivelled her body round to impale herself again on the length of it, her enormous breasts hanging to either side of her relatively flat stomach.
In Which Leon rediscovers Innocence; and Honore is introduced to virtues beyond the normal condition.
Leon never enjoyed his visits to the city of Congress whenever they were necessary. He was very uncomfortable squeezing his enormous penis into the leg of his trousers - even though he always made a point of wearing them very baggy irrespective of how fashionable or not that might be at any one time. He particularly dreaded getting an erection as it pushed so obviously against the inside thigh of his trousers, and when he walked when his penis was in such a state he could easily be mistaken for someone with a war wound or congenital limp.
He was standing at a newspaper kiosk just outside one of the parks that so adorned the city, wondering what to do now that he had settled his business affairs for the day and rather relishing the opportunity to see something more of the excitements provided by such a large city. He was a little weary at the moment, and the thought of just settling down to read a newspaper was very attractive. It was then that he saw Innocence in shorts and a simple top that covered some but not all of the mound of her breasts. She was dawdling through the park looking around her at the children playing on swings, the naked statues of famous people and the clusters of sparrows. Leon strode into the park and waved at her. He noticed that she now had much longer hair, falling freely well over her shoulders. There were so many women in the city who’d shaved off all their hair that this seemed almost unusual.
“So what are you doing in Congress?” Leon asked. “You’ve left Brook, have you?”
“I’m here looking for a job,” Innocence confessed, “but I really don’t know what to do. None of the jobs I’ve seen advertised look very good to me. I’m staying with someone in an apartment she’s temporarily letting, so I’m also having to look for a place to rent.”
“So you’ve only recently come to live in the city,” Leon surmised. “Where were you living before?”
Innocence was clearly quite grateful to have someone to talk to, so she chatted about her studies in Labia, her departure from the flat she’d shared with her sister and how she was now staying with the famous authoress, Honore L’Oeuf.
“I’ve heard of her. She doesn’t leave Brook very often, does she? It must be very difficult for her restraining her enormous breasts in a place where full nudity is generally reserved for the very young.”
“You must have difficulties in restraining your own assets.”
“That I have! It feels so stupid hiding everything. It makes it so uncomfortable!” He looked down at the length of his penis which despite himself was swelling against the inside thigh of his trousers as a result of the attraction he was feeling towards Innocence. “But you also have some quite unusual assets don’t you? Wouldn’t you rather have them out in the open too.”
“Oh no! I’m much happier if no one knows about it. People stare so much! It’s so embarrassing.”
“I’m sure it’s mostly out of envy.”
“Do you think so?” Wondered Innocence, clearly enchanted by the idea.
“Well, of course. A beautiful girl like you with such a beautiful penis. The best of both worlds!”
Leon and Innocence eventually found their way to an open air bar where they drank beer in the afternoon sun and Leon discussed his views of the city and updated Innocence on Une’s life. Inevitably the two of them soon made their way to the hotel where Leon was staying: not one of the grandest in the city by any means, but as Leon knew only too well no less expensive for that. Leon took her up to his room which overlooked an office block and a distant view of the river. Innocence was clearly very impressed by the grandeur.
“It’s so luxurious!” She remarked running her fingers over the walnut veneer of the back of the chairs. “And the bed looks enormous!”
“It’s big enough for me!” Agreed Leon. And soon it had to be big enough for the two of them, as he took off his clothes to reveal the monstrous size of his penis. He held it in one hand, and the two of them admired the smooth length of it, the finger-width veins and the glans as big as a clenched fist. Innocence remained clothed as she took the tip of it into her mouth, just about getting her lips around it, and feeling with her tongue the smooth curvature and the ridge to the back of it. As she stimulated it Leon felt the blood gorging down its length, making it yet larger and causing him to gasp as it appeared to swell beyond even its usual capacity. Innocence caressed the testicles with both her hands, juggling the rock hardness of them in the palms. Leon creased up his face and looked up towards the ceiling.
“Take your clothes off” he pleaded. “Please.”
Innocence assented, revealing her own erect penis looking so junior in comparison to Leon’s own magnificence. Leon returned Innocence’s favours by applying his own mouth to it, relatively easily getting the whole length of it into his throat while his friend continued to concentrate her own attention on his own member. Much as Leon would have liked it was physically impossible for him to get his penis inside any orifice of Innocence’s body other than her mouth. Her anus, although a practised recipient of penises and dildos, was not nearly wide enough to permit entrance to even the smallest portion of his penis. Leon was quite used to this. There were very few vaginas, let alone anuses, which allowed egress to him - and there had only ever been one cunt in which he’d been able to enjoy normal sexual intercourse.
However, he’d learnt to find his pleasures in other ways, and one of these Innocence was quite happy to give. First of all he pushed his penis through her legs from behind so that it protruded below her own erect penis, rubbing along the base of it, tingling on the feel of her balls. Even so, his own penis still outstretched that of Innocence’s even taking into account the distance of full thigh it had to pass through. His next pleasure was when Innocence went behind him, first lubricating his arse with spit and jelly, and then with a little exertion (his arse though welcoming was not that lax) she entered inside him pushing her penis up against the back of the base of his penis, which as it was so well endowed was also more sensitive as a result of the engorged veins necessary to maintain its greatness. She took his penis with both hands as she fucked away, and it came as a great and most pleasurable relief when at last the two of them came together: Innocence’s semen spurting inside him and trickling down out of his arse and down his very hairy legs, while his own semen splashed several yards across the room and onto the expensive wallpaper, the luxury silk sheets and the down-filled pillows. The two of them gasped in unison, surely disturbing anyone in adjacent rooms (if they’d not already been disturbed by the rhythmic rocking of the bed and the grunts)
It was just that moment that there came a knock on the door, and without waiting for a response a maid entered, her head and eyebrows shaved and wearing only an apron and flat shoes. “You wanted room service, sir?” She said with no embarrassment as she pushed in a trolley with the champagne, cakes and biscuits that Leon ordered. She glanced at the two naked bodies with penises lying collapsed and semen dripping down Leon’s legs. She blinked in surprise at the pair of them. She’d obviously not expected to see two penises and certainly not one which even exhausted was larger than Innocence’s would be erect. The maid blushed and then hastened out of the room, while Leon stirred awkwardly towards the trolley.
“Have a drink!” He offered as he poured out a glass for Innocence. “Then maybe we’ll have energy for more sex later.”
Innocence smiled weakly. “Yes, that would be nice!”
Leon was soon to be introduced to Honore whose books he had read as part of his own business research and had very much enjoyed. He and Innocence found her seated, naked as always, in her apartment with a portable computer on the desk busily typing while partly watching Six and a young boy of about the same age making love on the bed. Innocence had told Leon about Six and the boy, Thirteen, whom Honore had had eagerly presented to her by parents who were very keen on him supplying Honore with the sexual gratification that she so desired and wrote so much about. He was a lot bolder than Six, and was as difficult to dissuade from making love as Six had initially been to persuade.
“Hello, Leon,” greeted Honore, after Innocence had introduced him. “I’ve heard so much about you and your business. So, at last we meet! It’s a wonder we’ve not done so before.”
“Indeed it is, Honore! So, tell me what is the oeuvre you’re writing. Is it more about your large-pricked character, James?”
“Don’t stand on form!” insisted Honore. “Take off your clothes! I know about your own massive penis. Not as large as my fictional one - but no less impressive for that I’m sure!”
Leon removed his clothes and revealed a quite slack penis still considerably larger than Innocence’s own. “I hope you still think so!”
“It certainly is! I hope to get better acquainted with it. But to answer your question. No, I’m not writing about James at the moment. My present story is called The Ugly Fucking. It’s about a girl who’s got a facial disfigurement which really put people off her, but when they get to know her better they find that the rest of her body is truly beautiful and that she is a truly accomplished fuck. At the end of the story, the illness which has disfigured her is cured and everyone falls passionately in love with her, but now she can be much more discriminating about who she lets fuck her, and upsets some of those who were particularly nasty to her.”
“That sounds like a very moral story.”
“Indeed it is! And I’ve already planned my next story which is about three sisters who get fucked by a rather unpleasant older man in payment for rent. I’m not sure how that one’s going to work out - but one of these sisters is going to be a lot more practical than the other two and manages to get the older man in a situation where he won’t take advantage of the girls any more. I hope it’ll be a kind of riposte to those who claim that my fiction condones the abuse of children by adults.”
“Not that you’d ever practise such things yourself...”
Honore blushed. “Of course not! But let’s see your famous penis!” She stood up with care so that her breasts which had rested beneath the desk where she had been working would not topple it over. Leon could see that the accounts of her enormous breasts had not been exaggerated. Knowing the difficulties his own out-sized asset caused him he could only sympathise with the problems Honore’s breasts would undoubtedly cause her. She glided towards where Leon was standing, and knelt down in front of him, the base of her breasts resting on the soft pile of the carpet and her hands and mouth applied to his penis. Within seconds his penis swelled in a number of jerky fits to its full monstrous size. Honore could barely get her mouth over the tip of it.
“Six! Thirteen! Come here! Here’s another sight you’d never believe if you’d never actually seen it!” Honore ordered. The two children jumped off the bed and ran over eagerly to examine Leon’s penis. Thirteen was sufficiently enthusiastic to put his mouth to the glans and attempt to take it in his mouth, but it wasn’t sufficiently elastic to stretch around it. His own tiny hairless penis had regained its erection and he encouraged it further by stroking and pulling it with a hand.
“Can I fuck him? Please, Honore! Can I fuck him?”
Honore naturally assented. The company was soon enmeshed on the bed, excluding Innocence, who had only recently introduced the boy to anal intercourse with the assent and close scrutiny of his parents. Innocence still felt very uneasy about making love to children, and never actually did so without Honore’s forceful persuasion. Leon soon had Thirteen’s small erect penis fully inside his tight anus, while thrusting his penis back and forth in between Honore’s breasts while Six’s tongue greedily licked and chewed on both his penis and her older lover’s breasts. Six then positioned herself on top of his penis, riding it like the back of a pony, while Thirteen who’d lost his available semen inside Leon’s hairy arse licked away at her tiny clitoris and pushed his fingers deep inside her recently enlarged vagina.
This sexual activity continued and continued, while Leon held back the release of his own semen - a skill gained by frequent practice and a little expert schooling - until there was no longer any possible of restraining it. And then with a sudden explosion, the semen shot out, splattering Six’s flat chest, Thirteen’s short-cropped face and trickling down the monstrous contours of Honore’s breasts. And then again. And again. And again. Over the sheets. In Honore’s ready mouth and in her hair. On Six’s shaven pate and over her tight uncontoured buttocks. And even a few gobbets flying over and splattering Innocence whose penis had been quite stimulated by the activity.
Then Leon felt Innocence’s full and more adult penis fill inside his anus, causing his member to regain its full size. At the same time, he could see that Thirteen had formed a chain of fuckers by getting behind Innocence and doing what he’d already had previous experience of by fucking Innocence’s arse. In not too many moments he felt the stimulated and stimulating Innocence give release to her own hot semen which messily spurted in through the hairiness of his anus and then dribble into the long hairs of his thighs. And then a collapse of bodies onto the waiting cushion of Honore’s breasts whose nipples pressed hard and unyielding into his eyes while Six busied herself in burying her tongue into Honore’s still unsated vagina.
Leon and his retinue of lovers panted, gasped and sweated in post-coitus. Honore’s face appeared between the spread cheeks of Thirteen and she smiled at him with satisfaction. “You know all this has given me an idea for another story for James and his Giant Penis.”
In Which Innocence is found in work and in work is found revived passion.
Innocence had achieved her independence: she had at last found a bedsit and a job that paid well enough for her to afford the rent. Honore had loaned her the money necessary to pay the deposit on her new home, but she hoped that with overtime she’d be able to repay her eventually. It was a very small bedsit - much smaller than what she’d been accustomed to in Labia or Wonderground - but at least when she shut the front door she was in her own territory, not shared with her sister or anyone else. The bedsit was a single room dominated by a single bed, with only enough room to squeeze past the wash basin, shower, cooker and integral wardrobe. The view from the window over the streets of Congress didn’t excite Innocence’s imagination much at all being mostly of the main road fourteen stories below and the tower blocks opposite.
The job she’d got was at the Fierzehn, a city centre night club. It wasn’t one of the poshest or most fashionable night clubs in the city, but it was nonetheless very impressive, featuring dance floors on several levels, several fuck rooms, cafeteria and several bars. She’d been taken on as a barmaid, but at first she was worried that the night club’s topless policy for its female staff might mean that she would be expected to do more than merely serve alcohol. Fortunately, the policy existed more for fashion reasons than for any sexual purposes, and Innocence was able to hide her groin under shorts or skirts. She also wore a pair of flat shoes to take the weight off her ankles while standing for several hours behind the bar. Not all the other bar staff felt inclined to limit their freedom of dress to just being topless: one or two were totally naked while most wore very revealing thongs that basically were only large enough to hide a sanitary towel. All staff however wore sensible shoes. The work was undeniably tiring and long. Her work began just after eleven in the evening and continued to between six and seven in the morning.
The hours were not kind to Innocence. She went to bed at the same time as most people were waking up, fortunately sufficiently exhausted not to be disturbed by the sun penetrating through the thin curtains to her bedsit or by the roar of the city traffic. She would wake up late in the afternoon and prepare breakfast and while away the hours in shopping for necessities, sitting in launderettes and watching programmes on the television she had precariously placed on a chair at the base of her bed.
Different nights of the night club had different themes and attracted correspondingly different audiences. Most nights were for the benefit of the young - mostly in their teens or twenties - who had come for the purposes of dancing and socialising. Innocence felt most comfortable on these days, as the customers were usually more intent on stalking the dance floor than hanging around the bar. Occasionally, a woman or a man might sit on a stool on the bar all evening and try to attract Innocence’s attention and persuade her to come to the fuck room with him or her. Innocence was scarcely at all excited by the propositions, but even if she had, her fear of revealing the penis she had hidden from sight would have put her off accepting the offer. And in any case she was usually far too busy serving at the bar to be spared for very long.
The fuck rooms were dark plush rooms housing a large mattress covering every inch of the floor, and where the lights were so dim that Innocence often bumped into lovemaking couples whenever she ventured in, as she had to do to collect the glasses which against the express orders of the management often found their way into these rooms. It was very dangerous to have glass in a place full of naked flailing bodies, who may or may not take advantage of the free condoms that were available in several exotic flavours and designs.
The nights when the fuck rooms were most full was on the Singles and Divorced Nights, as they were called, where older men and women - often in their forties and fifties - gathered in embarrassingly young clothes revealing far too much flesh for the express purpose of finding partners. On these evenings there were often quite a few unaccompanied men or women (but mostly men) who would sit on the bar stool and make embarrassing conversation usually about how beautiful Innocence’s breasts were, why didn’t she take off her shorts and did she fancy a quick fuck. Or maybe a long one. On those nights the fuck rooms were at their most overflowing and the dance floors at their most correspondingly empty. Couples often seemed unconcerned about where they should fuck and who might be watching. There would be copulating couples on the sofas, or on the carpet, or just standing up against the bar supporting themselves as their partners thrust away at their vagina or anus with penis or dildo.
The management did nothing to dissuade such activity, indeed it featured edited highlights from fuck films broadcasting from the banks of television screens or projected onto the dance floor. There was usually a floor act of some kind during the evening, featuring striptease, bizarre sex and audience participation. This usually came on fairly late in the morning, by which time the audience had thinned out, with the express purpose of enticing the remainder to stay on, drink more and forget about going to work the following day. Innocence found the floor shows some respite from work as most people who weren’t already in the fuck rooms were no longer interested in buying drinks and those who might be pestering her for her attention were engrossed elsewhere. Innocence had to marvel at the skills of the performers, who seemed to be able to do things with their genitals that she’d never believed possible.
The other nights were generally preferable, even though Innocence was quite conscious of not being amongst the most fashionable of the people there. She had no intention of shaving off her head or her eyebrows, although she’d taken on the fashion of wearing a beret or other small cap on her head. She also didn’t wish to shave her groin as so many others did and revealed enough of that area to demonstrate that they had (even if the actual lips of the cunt or the flesh of the penis were hidden). Not all the young fashionable people were quite as extreme as Twelve in their dress, although there were enough of them tending towards her particular style. Some still had quite long hair like Innocence - enough for her not to feel an utter fashion pariah. Many didn’t even reveal their nipples, perhaps thinking that this was a degree of nudity beyond that which they’d be comfortable with. Or perhaps because they weren’t especially happy with the shape of their breasts. The breasts and penises which Innocence did see promenaded all night were of all kinds and not all could be described in kindly terms.
After work, Innocence would join the early morning commuters at the underground station, most of whom were engrossed in the newspapers and not at all interested in looking at her, as she sat with her legs crossed wearing an overcoat over her otherwise nearly naked body. She would study the travellers opposite her with interest, aware that even those looking directly at her were really still too tired to actually see her. With only the rare exception, these people were not on their way to well-paid jobs, and they were correspondingly poorly dressed and very rarely particularly fashionable. Although Innocence wasn’t paid at all well, she knew that she was earning substantially more than most of these others mostly in recognition of her unsociable working hours, and it must be admitted, for her physical beauty. It would not do for a night club like the Fierzehn to employ unattractive bar staff: the custom would probably shift elsewhere if they did.
There was one evening of the week when the night club didn’t require Innocence to work behind the night club, because it was generally felt she’d look and behave rather out of place, and this was the Hard Core Night. It wasn’t known as that because the sex was any harder than any other night. In fact, as far as sex went it was the Singles and Divorced evening that had the most hard core sex. The reason for the name was to describe the music which was basically faster, louder and more insistent than that of any other night. Innocence’s fairly tame appearance would seem somewhat out of place amongst the rather bizarre and sometimes aggressive clothes worn by the clientéle. Her reluctance to bare her crotch was also thought a little out of place.
However, one of the usual staff - a girl whose face was normally covered by a veil and her feet by large boots, but wore nothing else - was feeling somewhat poorly that night. The manager suggested when he phoned Innocence that it might have something to do with all the drugs she took, and Innocence didn’t find this at all unlikely. She’d often felt uncomfortable working next to someone whose body looked like a ravaged pin-cushion. So, she was persuaded to come in, but not to wear anything less than a very skimpy short dress which revealed her buttocks, but not thankfully her precious crotch. In fact, Innocence rather troubled herself that it might reveal more of a bulge than she was particularly happy with.
She really didn’t enjoy the music that was playing, if music could be a word she’d normally ascribe to the thundering percussion, screeching samples and high-pitched wails. The audience however were totally immersed in it and the sweat that poured off their naked or nearly naked bodies. Indeed, there was rather more flesh on display than usual, if a lot of it was very pale and quite unwholesome looking. Far more heads were shaved than usual, although there was a general contempt for shaved crotches, underarms or eyebrows. Many of the men had surgery to give them breasts that looked incongruous on otherwise normally masculine bodies. Many of the women still sported dildos, but it was unlikely that these monstrous ugly things - often made of metal with horrid knobs and hooks on them - were ever intended for sexual purposes. One feature that both men and women appeared to have in common was a fondness for laced boots that often reached high up above their ankles and sometimes had steel toecaps. However, there was actually rather less sex than usual: the fuck rooms were mostly used for drug-taking and the toilets were almost always heaving with people just hanging around or injecting themselves.
Innocence was feeling rather uncomfortable as she served the real ale, bottled beer and mineral water that seemed to be the favoured drinks of the mostly young clientéle. She didn’t feel that way from any sexual advances that were made to her, although rather more blatant comments were made about her breasts by the men and women than usual. She just didn’t know what to say at the aggression that many of the women expressed to her and didn’t like the names she was given, like Hot Pants, Tight Cunt and, most scathingly of all, Magazine Model. She tried to maintain a bland friendly smile which attracted even more adverse attention, until she copied the very blank expression maintained by the other bar steward, a slightly plump girl with shaved head, military beret and plaited pubic hair.
It was on this evening though that Innocence met again her old lover, Dodie, who was with a company of other girls dressed just like her with green berets decorated by a single red star, boots and nothing else. Like them, her head was shaved but the eyebrows weren’t, and the only piece of jewellery she wore was a single plastic bangle on her left arm. When Innocence saw her first she was engrossed in kissing another girl with an eye patch over one eye and breasts that seemed curiously large on an otherwise emaciated body. Innocence suspected that the breasts may well have been surgically enhanced judging from their unnatural firmness. Dodie then wandered over to the bar, looking somewhat disorientated, with heavy lids over bloodshot eyes and a faint trail of snot from her nose.
When she saw Innocence though, she paused as if hit by something and stood transfixed as if trying to be sure that she could believe what she saw. Sparkle then returned to her eyes and she grinned broadly and a little foolishly.
“Innocence! My love! My loveliest!” she exclaimed in a way that seemed totally incongruous in this unromantic environment. She leaned heavily on the bar, her long nipples brushing against an ice bucket and her elbows soaked in beery place mats. “Is it you! Is it truly you!”
Innocence smiled, while returning change from an order for several bottles of mineral water and alka-seltzer. “It is! This is where I work now.”
“I didn’t know you were into Hard Core. You certainly don’t look the part.”
“I’m not. It’s just my job!”
Dodie abandoned her friends, who occasionally returned to offer her a toke from a large joint or a sniff from smoke-filled glasses, and spent the whole evening just sitting on the bar chatting to Innocence, while her old lover continued to serve customers. She chatted and chatted, without respite, about all that she’d done and seen since she’d left Wonderground. She’d only just arrived in Congress, and was currently dossing on the sofa in a very grubby squat in the Shit district of the city, an area Innocence had never visited for fear of being attacked by muggers or for being approached as a prostitute. She returned again and again in her rambling conversation to her abiding love for Innocence which persisted so strongly, through all the fucks she’d had, the indifferent, the casual and the passionate. “You’re the only one who has ever brought meaning to my life!” she exclaimed with unselfconscious passion, clearly embarrassing the tall large-breasted man standing beside her with a large tattoo embellished on his shaved forehead.
Inevitably, Innocence found it impossible to resist inviting Dodie back to her bedsit, who barely noticed her environment at all, unlacing the long laces of her boots and collapsing onto her bed. She smiled blissfully. “It’s so wonderful to see you again!” she exclaimed as she fell into immediate unconsciousness. Innocence slightly resented Dodie’s invasion of her already limited space, but tidied the sheets around her, pulled off her dress and sneaked into the bed next to her.
The following morning, Innocence was awoken, very bleary eyed and with a raw mouth, to the distinct sensation of wet hungry lips taking her penis deep into a mouth and pulling it up into a more sensitive erection than she normally had so early in the day. She opened her eyes and focused on a dark raw hairy mass directly above her, only gradually becoming aware that she was staring straight into Dodie’s cunt. The long skinny body with tiny breasts and with Innocence marked on her buttock caressed the front of her body replacing the warmth of the duvet. A little reluctantly at first, but with increasing pleasure, Innocence surrendered herself to Dodie’s affection, soon reciprocating by firmly putting her tongue into Dodie’s anus, while stroking and probing the vagina with her fingers.
Dodie moved more or less permanently into Innocence’s bedsit - never seeming to be able to get enough of her body. The only times they were parted was when Innocence went to work and Dodie went to join the company of her other friends, happy to indulge in drugs and sex with them, unaware that this in any way compromised the passion she felt for her well-endowed lover. There was very little space in Innocence’s bed for the two of them, so they slept very much enveloped in each other’s bodies: Innocence’s penis often left to sleep inside Dodie’s cunt and her face side by side with Dodie’s always blissfully grinning face.
Innocence didn’t doubt the passion of Dodie’s affection for her, and in the lonely forbidding anonymity of the city this was a centre of stability and comfort for which she became progressively more grateful. At the same time, however, it was a struggle to encourage Dodie to be more tidy, to return the cap to the toothpaste and to take her boots off before clambering onto the bed. These were minor trials however compared to the greater benefits of Dodie’s constant love and affection.
In Which Innocence is displayed on film and is shown together with an old friend.
It was Dodie who reminded Innocence of the interview she’d had with Fuck Films Today and her appearance in Forbidden Love. “It seems absolutely ridiculous to me that you should be working for virtually nothing at the Fierzehn, especially as you don’t really like music, when you could be earning a hell of a lot more in fuck films.”
“I’m not sure I want to be filmed fucking people,” Innocence retorted.
“Don’t be silly. You were happy enough having sex with Nancy Shittits or whatever her name was. If that’s not being filmed fucking what is? And you only got a little amount of money for that! Come on! They’re always auditioning for people to star in fuck films. Look at these ads in the paper!” Dodie showed her lover some of the adverts in the evening paper. There certainly didn’t seem to be any shortage of demand.
Innocence took the paper from her naked lover’s hand, and still with one arm around Dodie’s shoulders - it was the only way to prevent herself falling off the bed - she scrutinised the details. “For a chance to appear in a Fuck Film with a difference!” “Guys! How big’s your dick! Show it off to its best advantage in your best mates!” “Wanted! Girls with Big Busts! Guys with Thick Pricks!”
“I don’t like the sound of any of these,” admitted Innocence.
“Oh, don’t be silly!” insisted Dodie. “You’re just not reading it right. What about this one. ‘Bizarre film needs Bizarre stars!’ If you’re not bizarre, who is?” She cheekily caressed Innocence’s penis. “Go on! Give it a chance!”
Fortunately, the day of the audition coincided with Innocence’s day off, so she was able to turn up with Dodie keeping her company. Half of her was eager to be accepted and to get into a career that she knew would enable her to stop having to spend her nights behind a bar with her eardrums assaulted and her dignity constantly threatened by the attention of the clientéle. The other half of her felt somewhat ill at ease at the idea of being fucked or fucking in front of the camera (although the idea somewhat stimulated her as well, as Dodie wouldn’t stop reminding her). She certainly wasn’t sure she felt that much at ease with the others being auditioned. Many were actually rather ordinary, rather plain, people whose bizarreness apparently consisted in the extremes of behaviour they were more or less willing to indulge in to gain an honest living. Others were bizarre in a quite obvious way. A woman with a beard. A man with a very long but thin penis which he seemed to relish waving around the place. A pigmy woman. An oldish woman with breasts that lacked body but trailed down to her waist. A fat woman who was so large that she occupied almost all the space of a sofa. A slim woman whose breasts were so small that only the presence of a very natural vagina could convince anyone that she was really a woman at all.
When Innocence’s turn to be interviewed came up, the interviewer was at first convinced that it was Dodie who was the interviewee and seemed visibly disappointed when it was Innocence who sat down on the chair opposite. He scratched his beard and peered at her through the thick plastic lenses of his glasses. “So what do you do that makes you suitable for a bizarre film. Do you like animals fucking you? Do you enjoy eating turds? Can you crack nuts in your cunt?”
“No, not at all! That sounds disgusting!” winced Innocence.
“So why come to an audition for bizarre fuck films if you don’t like bizarre things? Do you like being beaten up? Do you enjoy drinking piss? Can you get a fist up your arse-hole?”
As Innocence shook her head sadly at each disgusting suggestion, she could see that the interviewer was getting visibly more annoyed. She looked rather forward to leaving. Clearly fuck films just weren’t for her. But it was Dodie who abruptly came to her rescue: “It’s not what Innocence does, but what she is that makes her bizarre?”
The director frowned. “I don’t see that! Okay, she looks good, and most fuck film companies would jump at the opportunity of employing her. But looks is less than half of what we’re interested in at Bizarre Bazaar. Our viewers want something a little more challenging and demanding than pretty girls being fucked by good looking guys. And going for girls just isn’t bizarre enough these days I’m afraid.”
“It’s what Innocence has between her legs that makes her hot property! Go on, Innocence! Take down your knickers!”
Innocence smiled a little reluctantly, but obediently she pulled up her short dress and lowered her knickers so that the interviewer could see her penis. His eyes widened significantly as he focused on it. “Does it work? Is it real?” he wondered.
“It’s real enough!” Dodie replied for Innocence. “She’s given me the best fuck I’ve ever had. She comes like a shaken beer can, fucks for hours without respite and her erection pops up with the least provocation. Look at her prick now if you don’t believe me.”
The interviewer looked at Innocence’s penis which was indeed getting quite thick and erect. “God! It’s beautiful! Take off all your gear! Let’s see all you’ve got to offer!”
So, it was that Innocence passed her first audition and found herself the subject of a series of films in which she was the main star. The interviewer, who was in fact the director of most of the films Bizarre Bazaar made, was sufficiently sensitive to Innocence’s feelings not to start her off in any films that actually involved any fucking. All that was required of her in a series of short films that he made was to sit around showing off her body in various degrees of undress and to arouse her penis to a state of excitement. The main attraction of the films was the way that even this early in her film career Innocence was able to stimulate herself to an erection with very little prompting, maintain it for a good period of time and then relieve herself with enough semen to feed quite a few hungry people.
The films were made mostly in sets that looked remarkably ordinary and quite dull. Kitchens. Living rooms. Bathrooms. And most often of all, bedrooms. There she would be writhing under the constant gaze of a set of cameras, apparently stimulated by her reflection or the rather tedious fuck magazines she’d be given to read, and then would simulate herself sufficiently to provoke the real excitement she did feel for being filmed in sexually explicit positions for her penis to express sufficient excitement to stimulate the unknown viewer. The majority of these short films focused entirely on her erect penis and its arousal. Some films were more adventurous, but only just. In one, she had to insert a quite realistically sized dildo in the exact shape of a real penis deep inside her anus which was only possible with the help of a small attractive oriental assistant whose job was specifically to arouse sexual organs and to smear lubricating jelly in the right places. In another, she had to follow a scene of ejaculation with one of pissing, which involved consuming a few pints of beer in rapid succession before filming.
On the whole, though, these films were sufficiently tame for Innocence to lose most of her inhibitions for making a career in film pornography, and to quite happily abandon her job at the Fierzehn. She quite soon felt the advantages of having more money. She and Dodie spent several happy hours discussing the somewhat larger flat they intended to move into together and all the things they would buy once they’d saved up enough. Dodie was contributing her own wages to the household now, having taken a job in a Radical Bookstore that sold many books and magazines which showed very much the same activity as the fuck films did but with less attractive models, a lot more imagination and only occasionally particularly erotic. Most of the woman models, Innocence noted, looked rather more like Dodie with their shaved heads, hairy crotches and large boots. She much rather dressed in what she considered was a more feminine and fetching way, quite enjoying the glances she got from men and women as she teetered on her stilettos in her short dress on the underground trains to the studio.
For Innocence and Dodie to afford a bigger flat it was necessary for Innocence to earn substantially more money than she was in the wank films she was making. She wasn’t at all sure, however, that the first proper fuck film she’d star in (one where she’d participate with someone else and who she would fuck and possibly be fucked by) should be one made by Bizarre Bazaar. The director himself understood Innocence’s inclinations well enough not to insist that she try for a pissing, shitting, fist-fucking, sado-masochist or animal-fucking film. If Innocence wanted to make a film with some real action where she could earn several times the money and have enough for the deposit on a flat, she’d have to make a film for another company.
It was Twelve on one of her occasional visits to Innocence’s bedsit who suggested the two make a film together. “We’d make a great couple!” she assented, holding Innocence’s erect penis while Dodie sucked it long and hard. “We fuck well together and I’m not in the slightest bit put off by some arsehole filming us while we do it. Look we’ll answer this ad and earn a bit of extra. I’m sure they’d love to film us once they’ve had a look at you and seen some of the videos you’ve made.”
The advertisement said rather modestly: “Lez and TV couples wanted for Sexy Fuck Films” and Innocence could think of very few good reasons for not accompanying Twelve for the audition. Twelve was right. Quinze Cunts were very impressed by Innocence’s endowment which with Twelve’s assistance was very soon erect and shown in its fullest glory. They were also impressed by the very passionate lovemaking that the two girls staged for them on the casting couch. The director, Genevieve, was a slim girl in a quite conservative blouse and culottes with hair cut quite boyishly and a pair of wire glasses. She rather liked the idea of the two girls performing together. She had a number of opinions about what made a sexy fuck film, which was the kind that Quinze Cunts specialised in. One of these was that the characters making love with each other should genuinely enjoy it. On the basis of that opinion, having the two of them cast together on a ninety minute film would be quite perfect.
“It will at least prevent you getting bored with each other,” she remarked with a grin.
Others of her opinions were that sex between women was necessarily more erotic than sex between men and women. It was not that she was especially averse to men: she just didn’t believe that men’s bodies were ever particularly erotic. What she liked to make were films where the cast were either all women or men who were sufficiently feminine as a result of their chosen way of dressing or radical surgery. At first it was very difficult for her to believe that Innocence wasn’t the way she was as a result of surgery, but she studied Innocence’s body and penis with great care and found none of the signs, by now so familiar to her, of silicone implanting, hormonal injection or stitching.
Twelve had to dress rather more conservatively than usual for her in the film they were to make which was provisionally called Innocence’s Big Surprise. She had eyebrows painted on, and had to exchange her thong for a dress and blouse with a tie. She even had to wear knickers which she complained were very uncomfortable. She drew the line, however, at wearing a wig. “What would people think if they saw me like that!” she exclaimed. “I wouldn’t know where to fucking look!”
The film’s plot was banal in the extreme, but as Genevieve explained the people who bought her films were more interested in shots of knickers, cleavages, young clitorises and pretty sexy bodies than on story lines or more extreme forms of sex. She did insist on a piss sequence as she knew a lot of viewers would be very keen to see Innocence’s penis used for other purposes than to release semen and Twelve was not at all bothered about having urine dripping down her face and breasts. “As long as I don’t get any in my mouth!” she remarked.
The film began with the two girls wandering in a field in the countryside just outside the city. It was the first time since Innocence and Twelve had left Labia that either had ventured so far from Congress and its nightlife, and Innocence enjoyed the rush of fresh air in her lungs and over her body. She had plenty of opportunity to enjoy this warm air, as the two girls took their clothes off in the grass and soon indulged in passionate lovemaking together while Genevieve and her two camerawomen watched and filmed them. Another of the director’s views was that the girls should be as natural as possible and so she gave only the briefest outline of what their sexual activity should consist of and indicated where the cameras were most likely to look.
The art of fuck films, Innocence believed, was not only to perform sex well (which involved a certain amount of exaggeration of the pleasure that Twelve was giving her as her tongue and fingers probed around her lower regions), but also to ensure that the action was fully visible to the camera. This in itself required a little bit of attention, particularly as the area of penetration was one very easily obscured from the camera. This involved Innocence and Twelve contorting their bodies somewhat unnaturally so that the camera could see when Innocence entered one of Twelve’s orifices and exactly which one it was.
The film then moved from there to the interior of Genevieve’s large country house, where quite a few of the rooms had lighting set up specifically to make films and very comfortable beds, sofas and carpets for the fucking to take place. Some action took place in the kitchen where Twelve pushed her fingers and then a cucumber inside Innocence’s anus while her penis was being actively sucked. More action took place in the very plush bathroom where the pissing took place in the bath so that the urine could be washed away and the enamel swiftly wiped down with cleaning fluid. Innocence couldn’t understand what pleasure Twelve was supposed to be getting as piss splashed over her face, trickled down over cheeks, cascaded over her chin and dribbled down her slim breasts. Twelve later assured her that the warmth of the urine and the knowledge of where it came from was precisely what gave her such joy, but Innocence wasn’t convinced that it gave her nearly as much as she so ecstatically expressed.
“Still under an hour of usable film,” Genevieve commented disappointedly after all the planned scenes had been filmed. “I think we’re just going to have to improvise. Do you mind if we make it a threesome for a garden lawn scene.”
“Of course we don’t!” Twelve answered before Innocence had an opportunity to object. “As long as it’s you who makes up the threesome.”
“You think so?” wondered Genevieve curiously coyly for someone who made a living from making fuck films. “Do you think Innocence wouldn’t mind fucking me?”
“A beautiful girl like you!” smiled Twelve kissing the director fondly on the cheeks and unbuttoning her blouse. “How could she mind? And I wouldn’t mind fucking you myself if it comes to that!”
When Genevieve was undressed by the other two in the full glare of the cameras, it was clear that her expertise and experience in fuck films hadn’t been gained as a performer. But her slim body with round breasts and largish nipples and the thin bush of pubic hair was more attractive than Twelve’s pale freckly body, and she showed genuine enthusiasm when Innocence’s erect penis was guided into her cunt. She clung passionately to Innocence’s body, making it rather difficult for the camerawomen to position themselves for the crucial shots of anal and vaginal penetration. It was with quite obvious reluctance that she allowed Innocence to remove her penis when she was about to ejaculate and let the semen spray over her breasts and mouth rather than inside her body. The cries of ecstasy she gave when Twelve and Innocence returned to her body seemed quite unfeigned, and she seemed very flushed after the event.
“This will make a great film!” Genevieve reflected. “It’ll be out fairly soon, I can assure you. But it will probably still be less than ninety minutes long. While you’re here I insist that you join me and my camera staff for dinner. You will join us, won’t you?”
“You fucking bet!” said Twelve, attaching her thong to her waist and pointedly leaving her other clothes on the grass just by the sundial. Dinner was very pleasant and cooked by Genevieve’s lover, a very young looking girl with long straight blonde hair and blue eyes. Inevitably dinner had barely finished when Genevieve and her lover invited the camerawomen, Innocence and Twelve to their large bed where the evening ended in a mass of writhing bodies in which Innocence’s now quite weary penis was very much appreciated.
In Which Innocence prevails upon Dodie to perform and Griffin is reacquainted to the virtues of Innocence.
Dodie enjoyed hearing about Innocence’s new job. She loved listening to Innocence’s accounts of the sex she was having in the series of Quinze Cunts and Bizarre Bazaar films that she appeared in, and where there was any particular activity that she found especially erotic she would persuade Innocence to join in similar activity with her in their tiny bedsit. However, Dodie was quite reluctant to get involved in fuck films herself. “It’s just not me,” she assented, although she never gave any very good reasons as to why this should be so.
However, it was Dodie who did suggest to Innocence that they should star together in a series of Radical fuck film which were being made by someone she knew. “These films are different,” she claimed. “They aren’t just fuck films for people to wank to in the privacy of their own homes while watching them on video. These are more challenging, more radical films.”
“How can they be that?” wondered Innocence. “They’re still films where the actors take their clothes off and fuck each other.”
“It’s not what they do. It’s why they do it,” Dodie insisted, but the rates were only slightly less than Innocence was becoming accustomed to and Dodie was very insistent. Innocence agreed to star with Dodie, but she stated categorically that she had no intention of shaving any part of her body or of piercing it either.
The filming took place in a series of very dingy rooms in a derelict housing estate, on beds that were uncomfortable, floors that were bare and unhoovered, radiators that clanked noisily and gave off very little heat and where the walkways were covered in puddles and urine. There was however a story-line to the events which framed the lovemaking that Innocence and Dodie were going to indulge in together, with the assistance of several other women who were mostly dressed pretty much like the clientéle of the Hard Core Nights at the Fierzehn. This was quite a novelty to Innocence who had become accustomed to the idea of fuck films as being nothing more than a series of implausible encounters and sexual passions in which ninety per cent of the action was concentrated around the groin.
The film company was known as Shit for the Workers, and most of the people involved were both argumentative and painfully serious. It seemed to Innocence that far more time was spent on discussing what was to be filmed than in actually doing it. It seemed that nothing could be done until there was consensus as to exactly what was being filmed, what it was meant to symbolise and whether the fucking was ideologically correct. It seemed that any action: pissing, bondage, anal intercourse, even rape, was justified in the film as long as it could be seen as having a deeper significance. Innocence wasn’t at all sure what the film’s plot actually was and her lines seemed both tedious and irrelevant.
In one scene, she was expected to fuck a series of women each of whom had a letter painted on their forehead in the Greek alphabet: twenty-four in all. She had to fuck each of the from to via and (or whatever else they represented) and each girl while being fucked was obliged to recite a radical quotation. Fortunately Innocence wasn’t expected to fuck continuously. She didn’t have anything like the stamina of a Null, and in any case there weren’t really as many as twenty-four actresses actually involved in the film. Dodie played a number of different Greek characters, but since only parts of her - like her cunt or her mouth - would actually be shown, it would be impossible to tell that it was the same person being fucked on different occasions.
Another scene involved Innocence pissing on Dodie while another girl pissed on her and Dodie pissed on someone else. Innocence became aware that this apparently endless stream of people pissing on different people was meant to be symbolic, judging from the fact that the only person in the series who pissed and wasn’t pissed on was the only man in the series and he was particularly fat and ugly.
Another scene, near the beginning of the film, involved Innocence apparently depriving Dodie of her virginity. For this scene, Dodie was made to seem rather younger than she was - but even she wouldn’t sacrifice her pubic hair to look sufficiently young. The cunt that was intercut to look like a young Dodie’s was of another girl who was probably not very much older than the supposed youngster she was playing. The radical aspect of this was apparently the tawdry, unappealing state of the room in which the filming took place: wallpaper peeling off the wall, horrible patches of damp soaking through the plaster and a bare mattress with a quite dangerous spring protruding through.
The other cast were not especially attractive, although one or two of them had faces and figures that Innocence felt sure could have been quite beautiful if they’d allowed themselves some hair and make-up. She much preferred those sequences involving Dodie because she felt much more comfortable inside a familiar cunt than in some of the others. Sometimes they felt just a little too tight and in one case almost too loose - nearly as much so as Une’s cunt.
The filming took much longer than most of the films Innocence had starred in (indeed she made several other films for her other company on the days Shit for Workers dedicated to discussion seminars and discovery sessions). It didn’t seem that the final film was actually very much better than those she’d made for Quinze Cunts. The film used was black and white, some of the camera angles seemed quite wilfully obscure, the editing seemed quite random and distracting and the sex was really no different. There was also an annoying sequence running through the film where the director, a fat woman in her late thirties with a lisp and a slight stutter, would wander naked through a rubbish heap, or along a suburban housing estate, or outside an abattoir, passing comment on such matters as women’s rights, homosexual separatism, the dictatorship of the proletariat, racism and hypocrisy. Whether Innocence would have found this interesting in another context was quite difficult to tell as the editing was rather random and she often lost the point of the dialogue as it had been inserted somewhere else totally in the film (perhaps while she would be placing a cucumber deep inside her anus or sticking her erect penis into a rusty exhaust pipe).
The biggest debate of all was what to entitle the film, which thankfully Innocence felt herself excused from. She didn’t care if it was called The Coitus Manifesto, The Female Bollocks or Fuck is a Feminist Issue. She was just happy to get paid at the end of it. Dodie however was unreservedly enthusiastic. “Isn’t it good to know that what you’re doing is art and will outlast all the fuck films you’re usually in.”
Innocence wasn’t at all sure that this last assertion was at all likely. The film at nearly four hours was far too long and self-indulgent she thought. The opening credits went on for nearly half an hour, interspersed with so many themes that she had no idea what was meant to be achieved. Women running around with dildos inserted up their arses. Men fucking dead chickens. Cars driven slowly round in circles with numbers like 15 or 9 written on top. The sudden ending which left her both frustrated and relieved at the same time was a poor joke that she’d hoped had happened considerably earlier. But she knew that it was Dodie’s first and probably only fuck film and so, for her sake, she made no complaint and encouraged her as much as possible with the film-making.
For most of the time she was working with Shit for Workers her mind was focused on finding a flat for Dodie and herself. She eventually found one which was a compromise between Dodie’s wish to be in the town centre and Innocence’s desire for a relatively quiet night’s sleep. It was with some sadness, however, that Innocence moved out of her tiny bedsit. It was after all the only place that she’d ever lived in by herself, and much as she loved Dodie she also missed the freedom and solitude she’d enjoyed there.
When she observed her relationship with her sister in Labia, Innocence had felt rather sorry for Gryphon . She knew that Chastity was merely exploiting her, and she could see that despite her proud muscular figure the teacher was very vulnerable. She’d never expected to see Gryphon again after she’d left the college, and was even more surprised to see her picture on the cover of a video for Sex and Physical Exercise, Keep Pumping, on the shelf of the wall of the offices of Sexual Fitness Ltd., the company where she was being interviewed to appear in one of their many sex education tapes. Innocence had by now been exposed to enough of these videos through her contacts in the fuck film industry to know what these films generally involved.
Gryphon’s performance was no different in Keep Pumping and its sequel Keep On Pumping, except that these were solo performances with others merely following the instructions Gryphon gave them. Her experience as a teacher came through in the authoritativeness of her voice and the tone in which she gave her instructions. “Yes, deeper! That’s right! As far inside as you can get!” she cried as her tutees thrust curiously shaped dildos deep inside their vaginas or anuses. She would first of all show techniques for lubricating her vagina with a finger or a vibrator and then showed how to maximise the pleasure it gave her and the length of time for which an exercise could last. “After thirty minutes of continual thrusting your vagina is now loose enough and moist enough to give hours of satisfaction to the most demanding of lovers,” she would say on the voice-over while the more impassioned film of her masturbating would be on show.
Innocence was almost pleased to discover that she was being auditioned for a sex fitness video with Gryphon. She knew the teacher well enough for there to be no surprises and she had had sufficient experience on their one previous lovemaking to know that it would make a very successful production. She guessed from her memories of Gryphon’s intense pleasure on that occasion that the teacher wouldn’t have to feign any of her passion.
“We just need someone like yourself who is physically attractive to our star and has a fully operational penis,” explained the director, who was a slim woman in a track suit and with her long hair tied back in a pony-tail. “We’ve tried to film Gryphon with men, but these attempts have never been at all successful and we’ve never been able to market them. They would not enhance the reputation of Sexual Fitness at all. Some of our competitors may be satisfied with film of Gryphon looking bored or distressed while being buggered, but we would hope to market a better product altogether. We want to project a more positive image of sexual intercourse. We’ve seen some of the work you’ve done for Bizarre Bazaar and Quinze Cunts, and we think that you may have just the enthusiasm for sex with women that would fit with Gryphon’s own similar tastes.”
Innocence could see that Gryphon’s enthusiasm wasn’t at all feigned when they were introduced as potential film companions. “When can we start filming?” was Gryphon’s main question after they met. “I’d love to have some decent sex for a change.”
The filming was actually quite strenuous for Innocence. Gryphon’s success in the Sex Fitness video market had been quite significant. Quite a few customers were attracted to her muscular frame and the femininity she managed to carry with it. Innocence discovered that Gryphon’s venture into this market was one that the teacher felt able to do without leaving her pedagogical career (to which she felt a great affection) and one that provided her with the money to afford the attentions of the prostitutes to whom she had become quite addicted. Gryphon did however find it necessary to do her filming a long way from Labia as she didn’t wish to lose her position in the college. She also seemed somewhat ill at ease making love to Chastity’s sister. She found it very difficult to believe that the two girls had separated.
“Chastity was so fond of you!” remarked Gryphon, but Innocence was unwilling to discuss her sister even to one of her former lovers. She also avoided asking too many questions on her sister’s life in Labia since she’d left, beyond discovering that she’d also left college.
The video the two were to make was provisionally called Keep Rumpy Pumping and was intended to broaden Gryphon’s appeal from the wank film market into the more demanding and lucrative fuck film market that Innocence was now doing quite well in. Sexual Fitness hoped that their fastidious star could perhaps be weaned onto more conventional fuck films with their cast of athletic male stars, but they knew that at least one good quality fuck film was needed for their customers to stomach more indifferent produce.
Innocence had to spend several hours each day in the gym provided by Sexual Fitness, lifting weights and running on treadmills, often with the guidance of Gryphon who would gaze long and lovingly as Innocence’s stomach muscles became firmer, the muscles of her arms became more delineated and the sweat gushed down her naked body and through the pubic hairs around her darling penis. Sometimes Twelve or Dodie would join in, and to Gryphon’s chagrin would then accompany Innocence to the fuck room where they would make more physical love on the futons laid out there. Gryphon was made to feel excluded from Innocence’s extra-filmic activities, and this wasn’t so much because Innocence wasn’t attracted to Gryphon but rather a wish to divorce herself from anyone who reminded her too intensely of her relationship with her sister.
The fuck film when it was made was fairly conventional in format for the Sex and Physical Fitness market. The voice-over provided by Gryphon was recorded afterwards and was meant to highlight particular educational points that the fucking was supposedly illustrating, but were really just afterthoughts provided to give respectability to a series of shots where Innocence fucked Gryphon’s receptive body athletically, frequently and passionately. In the mouth, in the arse, in the cunt, hanging from wires, in several quite awkward positions, standing up, sitting down and framed by a scenery of bell-bars, climbing frames, trampolines, mattresses and total nudity. The shots which Gryphon particularly enjoyed reviewing and speaking over were those where Innocence relieved herself of copious quantities of semen over Gryphon’s face, breasts, buttocks or cunt. She loved watching the way the semen arched in a sinuous curve of viscous drops to discolour the mattresses or gymnasium equipment. She particularly treasured the shot of her with semen trickling out of her mouth as Innocence masterfully produced yet more to spread over her hair and her shoulders.
Gryphon loved the warm taste of sperm. Or at least Innocence’s. In the video there was several minutes of come shots to accompany a digression on the protein and carbohydrate values of semen and how a regular diet was an invaluable addition to the fitness regime of anyone who wished to attain the heights of physical and sexual fitness. Innocence, however, felt rather drained after these sessions, and not just from the release of sperm. Gryphon was a very demanding, very physical lover. Innocence knew she couldn’t maintain the degree of sexual and physical exertion demanded of her from such a partner.
So despite the persuasive arguments from Sexual Fitness and Gryphon’s own somewhat tearful demands, Innocence declined to contribute her services to the follow up fuck fitness film, More Rumpy Pumping, even though this was intended to include scenes in which Gryphon would make love to young girls as young as she could legally get away with and in which Innocence would not be the only object of Gryphon’s sexual passion. Innocence did not feel inclined to become too closely identified with the Sexual and Physical Fitness Video market. It didn’t offer very much career progression, and besides she’d had quite enough of all the work-outs in the gymnasium. The burning feeling she got from her muscles for days afterwards was just not worth it.
In Which Innocence is matched with virginity, a career in giving pleasure to unknown benefactors is reviewed and Leon’s own artistic vocation is revealed.
It took quite a lot of persuading and rather a lot of money, but eventually Innocence agreed to make a Virginity Loss film (or Bleeding Fanny Film as they were less subtly known). It wasn’t that Innocence hadn’t taken a girl’s virginity before, she just felt that there was something sordid about the whole notion of making a film about it, particularly given her rather unusual appearance. She wondered what harm it might do to a girl whose virginity was taken by a freak like her, especially when the whole very important and intensely personal event was witnessed by a professional film crew and eventually by an unknown quantity of anonymous video purchasers. However, she was assured that the girl, Eve, had actually requested that it be Innocence who was to do the bloody deed and that she’d undergo the exercise with someone else anyway if it wasn’t her. Apparently she and her mother, a young widow, had fallen on very bad times and they saw it as a way of helping them out of it. Innocence wasn’t so naïve as not to realise that a film showing a girl losing her virginity to one with her own unique assets would recoup substantially more than the average Bleeding Fanny Film and that they would earn more as a result.
“I’m not going to make a habit of this,” Innocence insisted.
“Of course not,” said the director - a middle-aged woman with greying hair and artificially enhanced breasts - misunderstanding her. “No one would want to see you become typecast in that way!”
The film was to be made in the gardens of a stately home which were rented out for the occasion, on the lawn with rose gardens and an ornate swimming pool in the background. Innocence was very impressed. None of her films had been made in such palatial surroundings before, and she felt that somehow it added a touch of dignity to an affair which, from a sense of shame, she decided not to confess to Dodie. Her lover had her own standards and ethics which Innocence respected and in which she more often than not concurred. When she left their nice new expensive flat that they had only just this week starting renting, she left Dodie with only a brief kiss (which would have immediately informed her that she was off to do a film set that day) and evaded rather too obviously all references to the kind of film she was about to make.
“If it’s just the usual fuck film why don’t you tell me more about it?” Dodie wondered with a frown, brushing her fingers through the quarter inch long stubble of dark hair on her head.
“It’s just not worth making a fuss about,” Innocence lied, trembling with anticipation. No, she definitely wouldn’t make a film like this again. She just hoped that her lover would never have to find out about it.
The film started as all such films were obliged to do with an official examination of Eve’s maidenhead by a properly qualified doctor. This was the first opportunity Innocence had of seeing the girl, who was actually unusually old for a virgin - being about seventeen years old but looking more like fifteen. She was quite skinny with pale skin, a slightly bulging stomach, small apple-shaped breasts and long blonde hair half way down her back. The doctor prised open her legs with the camera focusing on her vagina and examined her with the standard tools for this job.
Finally he announced to the camera the standard formula for these films. “I, Doctor Hamstash, declare that it is my professional opinion that this young lady’s maidenhead is intact and that she is medically a virgin.” Innocence knew that this would not have been the first such examination or the filming wouldn’t have come to such an advanced state of preparedness. She also knew that an intact maidenhead didn’t necessarily mean that the girl had had no sex at all - there was a great deal of sexual activity, including anal intercourse, which was possible without damaging her in that way at all. However, she rather felt that in Eve’s case it seemed to her that the virginity might be more absolute than was usually the case. The girl seemed extraordinarily gauche and nervous.
The film’s plot, if such a term could be given to an exercise with a preordained end, was that Innocence should start by making love with Eve’s mother who was obviously hoping to increase the material rewards of this exercise by whatever means were necessary. Innocence could judge that the woman must be desperate for money because she had shown willingness in the initial interviews for anal and even fist-fucking along with the standard oral and vaginal sex. Innocence was quite pleased that the film didn’t involve the girl’s father, even if it were possible. She had heard of several Bleeding Fanny films where the father was filmed as the person to breach the maidenhead - an incestuous act guaranteed to increase the value of the film. Thankfully Hand Job Films had certain standards to adhere to which precluded that form of incest. It was felt that it encouraged a parental rôle for the target market which was best avoided.
Whatever Eve might be, Dawn, her mother, was definitely not inexperienced in her lovemaking though she betrayed enough awkwardness in her actions to indicate that she’d never performed in front of an audience before. Dawn’s part involved her in beginning the action with a kiss on the grass leading to the two of them taking off each other’s clothes and very soon into more physical acts. Dawn’s body was very similar to her daughter’s - although much heavier as befitted an older woman with breasts already beginning to fall out of their taut compactness and buttocks drooping slightly behind her thighs. Innocence was soon into the scenes of vaginal and anal intercourse, but forswore the fist-fucking after carefully assessing the flexibility of Dawn’s vagina with her penis.
At this stage, Eve was due to come on set and to play the standard part of the embarrassed daughter becoming steadily more interested in the loveplay between her mother and her mother’s lover. Innocence was pleased to see that she was not at all expected to make love with her mother or her mother with her. Although Hand Job Films had no expressed opinion on incest - beyond the standard view that all sexual activities were permissible between consenting adults - unlike much of their competition in the Bleeding Fanny marketplace (like Bloodsports For All and Cuntbusters) they deliberately avoided any reference to the possible material rewards for filmed incest. The view was that all such activity should come about wholly out of the actual desire of the recently sexually enrolled daughter.
Eve began by nervously taking Innocence’s penis in her hand and then putting her mouth to it. She noticeably screwed up her nose at it - although whether it was the smell of Innocence’s organ or the scent left by her mother’s vagina it was not possible to tell. However, she overcame her aversion and soon was taking the penis into her mouth and started licking and sucking it until it became so big and thick and throbbing that even Innocence was dying to release it into the girl’s cunt.
The whole lovemaking was filmed on a large white sheet which normally would be quite unlikely to be left lying around on the grass in a stately home - but of course these sorts of films were concerned rather more with gynaecological accuracy than with any other kind. The actual penetration shots had to be made lingeringly, slowly and with the film crew properly positioned without disturbing too much the composure of the virgin whose eyes were closed tightly and jaws clenched tight in fearful anticipation. When Innocence saw the distress the activity was causing Eve she felt like abandoning the whole exercise, but outside of camera shot Dawn was whispering into her ear.
“Go on then! Get it over with!”
This was not the most romantic instruction that Innocence had ever heard, but she took the message and with a slow gradual thrust she pushed deeper and deeper and ever deeper into Dawn’s cunt, not looking down at the crotch at all but concentrating her kisses and her caresses on Eve’s face. “It’s all right, Eve! It’s all right! Don’t worry! It won’t hurt nearly as much as you think!”
Unfortunately for Eve and for Innocence’s reputation for telling the truth, it actually hurt the young girl quite a bit. As Innocence felt the rip of internal membrane no longer resisting her thrusts she also heard a quite unearthly yell from Eve. Without thinking she pulled her penis straight out to see the pool of red dripping from Eve’s vagina and splaying over the white sheet where it left quite undeniable evidence of Eve’s virginity. “Oh God!” Innocence gasped, aghast at the red shine of it in the clear midday sun, which was reflecting off the uncongealed liquid on the thighs and on the sheet. “This is horrible! Urrgghh! There’s so much of it!”
Eve herself burst into tears, throwing herself into her mother’s lap where the two naked people sat huddled up close to each other under the still voyeuristic unwavering glare of the film set and the cameras.
Despite Innocence’s outburst and Eve’s distress, the filming was judged by the director to be a success. “We may have to edit out some of the more - dare we say - unpalatable aspects,” she told Innocence. “After all we are making films for masturbatory pleasure and not films of social or sexual veracity. And it definitely isn’t Hand Job’s intention to move into the market for films of sexual violence. Some of our competitors might feel inclined to re-edit the film for the illicit rape fantasy market.”
“Rape fantasy?” Shuddered Innocence.
“It’s not unknown. Bitch Slut Films make films with names like She Had It Coming, Ramming Connie’s Cunt and Blood Between The Knees which are films of nothing more than the more upsetting parts of Eve’s recent sexual initiation linked by rather unpleasant story-lines. Never fear, unless one of our operatives is rather less than honest, the less enjoyable episodes will not be seen by the target audience. Hand Job Films has no wish to build a reputation for causing its film stars to suffer more than is absolutely necessary in our First and Best Time Sex Film series.”
Innocence’s newly chosen career as a fuck film actress meant that she got to meet a variety of people whom she very probably wouldn’t have met otherwise, although she wasn’t sure that she felt her life was much enhanced by having done so. She got to know quite a few women and men with surgically enhanced breasts, some of which were of massive proportions - larger even than Honore’s, and consequently even more of a practical liability to their possessors when they weren’t canvassing for rôles in fuck films. She got to meet men with peculiarly bent, extraordinarily long and thin and even with surprisingly tiny penises. She met women with a remarkably elasticity to their anuses or mouths - able to accommodate more than one penis when most women were unable to comfortably get even two into their vagina. One particularly acrobatic woman was able to get her legs behind her shoulders while being fucked.
Fifteen was an unlikely sex actress on first meeting. She was a very modestly dressed girl, who seemed slightly gauche regarding any questions on her sex life. Innocence felt unusually self-confident and promiscuous in comparison. She was also blind and relied on her Labrador, Rover, to lead her around without bumping into obstacles. She made a strange sight on the film set with her modest clothes, her dull mousy brown hair and the white stick that she used to avoid bumping into people. However she was actually one of the most in-demand sex actresses in the industry because of her particular speciality which was to have sex with animals.
It rather horrified Innocence at first (and she never got fully used to it!) to see Fifteen performing with dogs, horses, donkeys or goats. She would fellate the animals with a care and attention which was equal to that which she showed to Innocence’s more normal penis - taking ponies’ dark penises into her mouth and bringing them to ejaculate over her thin naked body. She was particularly good at dog fucking - allowing the Alsation, Dalmatian or Irish Wolfhound total vaginal or even anal penetration and quite clearly enjoying it as the animal panted, barked and slobbered over her, its hairy body above her and long thin penis enter her at the peculiar angles that were necessary for this operation. Penetration by rams and billy goats were also featured, but donkeys, bulls, horses and camels were clearly too monstrously endowed for her, but she made a good show of what she could, even going as far as fist-fucking them in the anus.
Although Fifteen had her own very nice home, it was somewhere in the countryside and quite frequently Innocence and Dodie invited her to stay at their flat when she was staying overnight in Congress. Fifteen made very welcome company and enjoyed her political arguments with Dodie, but firmly declined any offers of having sex with either of them. She stated quite unequivocally that her fucking was reserved for her career, and she didn’t in any case wish to spoil their friendship by introducing a less than professional aspect to their lovemaking.
Despite Fifteen’s apparent shyness with herself and Dodie, Innocence was somewhat shocked and discomfited to discover that this attitude didn’t attach itself to Rover, as she discovered early on from hearing a mixture of canine noises mixed with Fifteen’s own slightly shrill cries. Innocence was slightly alarmed - troubled that perhaps Rover had turned on her mistress - but when she put her head decorously around the door of the guest room where Fifteen was staying with her dog, she was shocked to see Fifteen lying on her back with Rover on top of her. The dog was wagging his tail enthusiastically and eagerly licking his mistress’s face while his buttocks thrust backwards and forwards. Innocence’s horrified eyes adjusted themselves to the dim light coming from the bedside lamp that Fifteen had never thought of turning off, and saw that the girl’s thighs were wrapped around the dog and that Rover was indeed fucking her with no embarrassment and with rather less guilt than that expressed by dogs on the film set.
Other people that Innocence had got to meet had proclivities which she found equally as distasteful. Wonder, a short girl with a cleft palate and a repaired hare-lip, had compensated for the shortcomings of her appearance by a skill at consuming faeces released into her mouth by her male or female on-screen lovers. She would let the turd drop out gradually and with the same affection that most actresses would show towards an erect penis she would guide it into her mouth, chew it up and eventually swallow it. When Innocence was persuaded to make a film with Wonder, she had no real idea what was going on as she let free the turd she’d been nurturing all day. She thought perhaps that Wonder might be smearing her face and body with it, but was somewhat disgusted to realise where it did in fact go. She declined the suggestion of kissing the girl despite the financial incentives the director was indicating by holding up his fingers. Wonder’s tastes were definitely not her own.
Another woman whom Innocence knew but considered herself fortunate in never performing with was all of forty stone in weight - which meant that she was more flesh than body. She watched with some repulsion as the male fuck actors struggled to enter her body through the massive folds of fat that totally obscured her vagina. The sheer bulk of her meant that these actors were quite realistically risking their lives to fuck with her. If she fell on top of one of them while he was inside her it would probably immediately terminate more than his career.
Innocence felt glad that somehow she’d avoided having got typecast in piss films, sadomasochistic films, ear-fucking, child sex, razor slashing, cat fellatio, tree fucking or anal fist-fuck films. On the whole those that did have to resort to this sort of film were not especially physically attractive. Fifteen was rather an exception in that respect. Innocence’s blessing was that her marketability was not just due to her unusual assets, but that, as was made increasingly apparent to her, she was a very attractive woman who didn’t need the surgery or hormonal treatment to develop large breasts, massive buttocks, green skin or split vaginas.
Nevertheless, she still felt slightly soiled by the fact that she was working in a profession where however much the film makers she was associated with might hold dear to certain high moral, political or sexual principles there were many more others whose only criterion of judgement was the number of units their product would sell - and as perversions sold well these were particularly attractive to them: the more gross, uncomfortable and generally unpalatable the better.
However, as Dodie often reminded her when she reflected on her career and where it was taking her, it was through her work that she’d been able to afford the beautiful flat she was renting and she was indeed enjoying this work rather more than working behind the bar at a Night Club.
Innocence knew that Leon owned his own business, but she had no real idea of what it might be. It wasn’t something that she’d ever cared to ask about when she last met the man in Congress. So it came as something of a surprise to discover that he was the owner of Fuck Flicks, a fuck film company famous for its catalogue of homosexual and transsexual videos. The discovery didn’t come until after she’d been in several films already where she had performed in her normal capacity, knowing that for the target audience the only fundamental difference between her and the transsexuals usually involved in these productions was that her body was entirely her own and had no enhancement or alteration made to it whatsoever.
She was rather surprised while viewing the early cut of the film in the company’s Congress office to see a picture of Leon hanging on the wall, naked as always, and smiling in a strangely paternal way. She stood up in the office where the other director and several of the cast were watching a scene where Innocence was fucking a young man who in turn was fucking a slender black girl with fashionably short cropped hair a bit like a tonsure (the fashion was no longer for totally shaven heads). She examined the picture carefully. There was no doubt at all who this bearded long haired man was. She recognised the twist of tawny hair on his chest and the small scar on his shoulder which he blamed on an unfortunately over-vigorous lover he had had once had.
“Does Leon perform in your films?” Innocence wondered.
“Leon?” Asked the director standing up beside Innocence. “Not often. Why? Do you know Mr Legrand?”
“Yes,” laughed Innocence, who’d not ever heard his surname before. “I met him on holiday in Brook. What does he do then?”
The director explained to him that Leon was the sole owner of Fuck Flicks, and that he also owned a magazine publishing company, several brothels and two Congress Night Clubs. “He’s very rich,” he stated, twiddling the earring that dangled from his left ear. “He made his money in the beginning as a fuck film star, rather like yourself. As you probably know, he’s very opulently endowed and not at all fussed what kind of sex he indulges in. He made rather a lot of films. I can show you a few if you like.”
Innocence nodded. It rather changed her view of the man to know that he had made fuck films in the past. It also seemed quite bizarre that he should now be her employer. It had once occurred to her when she was looking for work to ask the man she was fucking if he could find a job for her, but she had decided not to as it seemed somehow rather the wrong thing to require of a lover (even one who was unable to penetrate her). She now understood why Leon had never offered her work in the past. He probably felt that Innocence would have been offended at the suggestion, which she reflected would probably have been very much the case. Her brief experience of appearing in a sex film while in Brook had not seemed to her quite the career move then as it seemed now.
The director waited until the end of the screening of the video they were watching, Howard’s Rear End. Like many films made for the male homosexual audience its focus of attention was undeniably on taut male buttocks. Innocence played the rôle of someone whose unusual assets were never commented on but were fully enjoyed (as was the convention for transsexual films), and who had developed an affection for a house in the countryside where she had once had sex with a number of people. Unusually this orgy scene was near the beginning of the film. Throughout the film she made love with several men who also made love with each other and with several women who had very little sex with anyone except her. At the end, she obtained the house and the film ended with an open-ended fuck scene with the Howard of the title shitting on the grass in the foreground.
When the cast left after the screening, Innocence was left with the director and his boyfriend, a tall man with very long hair and a quite thin beard. The director pulled out a video entitled Leon of Arabia, and put it in the video player.
“This is Leon’s first film and as you can see right from the start he had a leading rôle...”
“Not surprising with a dick like his!” Commented his boyfriend. “Ooohh! The lucky bastard. I so wish....”
Innocence watched the film which had a very flimsy plot of young men in desert sceneries waving swords and yelling, but for much longer admiring, pawing over, sucking, licking and revelling in Leon’s monstrous appendage. He was frequently fucked from behind, but even then the young Leon whose beard was quite thin and whose chest had only the promise of future hirsuteness was just a little too endowed to have any hope of returning the favour.
“As you can see, not an arse in the world can accommodate that monster!” Exclaimed the director. “I’ve seen pricks of all sizes - and I’ve probably seen the biggest the world has to offer. Some are long and thin and though you can’t get all the prick in your arse, at least you can get some of it in. At least some of the way!”
“And you can’t walk straight for a week after!” Laughed his boyfriend.
“And then there are big ones which can only get in cunts and can’t get in arses at all. And then there’s Leon’s prick! Apparently there’s only one cunt in the whole world he can get his dick into. And what’s more he can get it all the way in!”
“She must have the biggest fanny in the world!” Exclaimed his friend. “I’d love to have a taste of Legrand’s whopper. I bet he comes like a fucking beer can!”
Innocence didn’t wish to elaborate on her first hand experience, and stayed in her seat to watch more videos. There was The Prickholder, which was a relatively sad short sex film that showed the difficulties Leon had with fucking the Asian wife of the title and how they came to a mutually acceptable compromise where she would masturbate him while forcing her fingers up his anus. Another film was called The Importance of a Good Fuck, and featured the frustration Leon had with fucking some transsexuals and a few men after being mistakenly invited to a cucumber sandwich party.
“Doesn’t Leon ever have a satisfying time in any of his films?” Wondered Innocence.
The director skimmed through the video titles. “The Portrait of Dorian’s Penis? No, at the end of the film he has to accept that he can masturbate but not fuck. Fuck and his Friends? No, that doesn’t end very well either. I think you’re right, Innocence. Leon hasn’t had that much fun in his film career. Perhaps that’s why he went into production rather than acting.”
“Queer and TS films weren’t meant to be fun when Leon was making them,” remarked his boyfriend. “It was meant to be tragic and sad. You weren’t supposed to fancy pricks and have a good time. You were always supposed to have some kind of misery associated with it. It’s not like that these days. And that’s how I prefer it. If you want to wank over someone else’s prick, you don’t want to finish feeling pissed off about it. You want to feel like going off and fucking someone yourself.”