05-03-2003, 03:16 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Illinois
Posts: 25
Lixy, I was with you! "Blow on WHAT? Why in the hell would he want me to do THAT?!?" You know how teenagers talk and that was me showing my, shall I say, lack of direction? Needless to say, one of my close guy friends offered to let me "practice" on him so I could get better at it. Wow, wasn't I stupid? lol Apparently I got it right the first time cause he begged me for the next month to do it again. TeeHee. I think I was 15 or so. I'm still not a big fan of it, but I like to do it the best when me and the bf are in the shower together. All I tast is water except when he gets a little too excited and lets go a little. I like that. He likes it when I take him in with my mouth full of warm water too. He, whatever works...
Are you gonna go quietly, or are we gonna wake the neighbors?