Thread: Blow jobs....
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Old 07-12-2001, 10:33 PM
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Gyzsmo Gyzsmo is offline
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Posts: 110
Blow jobs....

Hi guys and gals...

Advice please....I have had conflicting stories about what constitutes a good blow job....

tongue definately...
sucking also good....
but what about teeth....?

I've had some guys who simply went wild when my teeth scrape gently over their cock and other who don't like it at all?

Is this an individual thing or what?

Guys...tell me (in detail please and step by step) what your ultimate blow job is like???

Gals...tell me how you make your guy blow his wad???

Also...anyone really ever deep throated a cock? Is it possible? If so how....

Thanks peoples...

Cheers, Gyz
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