04-20-2003, 03:29 AM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: sitting down, facing front
Posts: 66
Vigil--I suspect a lot of the attitude here in the US can be traced back to the Puritans, who got here before almost anyone else from Europe. They had, as you might imagine, a bit of influence in the early days of the colonies, and some ideas (both good and bad) hang on like leeches. I think every history has examples of attitudes that stay around for centuries for no good reason--this is one of ours.
"I choose this path to follow to be in like Flynn"
--the Indulgers, "In Like Flynn"
"It felt like Flynn."
--Master Control Program, Tron
"Know what I mean, know what I mean? Nudge nudge. Say no more."
--Eric Idle, "How to recognise different types of trees from quite a long way away", Monty Python's Flying Circus