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Old 04-15-2003, 08:51 AM
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hellsbells hellsbells is offline
Horseman12's Filly
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Georgia,USA
Posts: 1,315
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When I first became a member and read some of the replies, I was in awe at the wit and intellegent replies and was very reluctant to put in my ten penny worth. But once I started, I realised that we are all different and all replies were of value. you can't shut me up. Maybe there are a lot more like me out there, and just need to make that first reply.
So come on you lurkers....get replying!!! Make that first move, you'll enjoy it....I promise
If we are what we eat...I'm fast, cheap and easy ( and horseman12 will have to change his nic to hellsbells )

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