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Old 07-10-2001, 04:57 PM
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up Speak to me

I love to have my husband speak to me. There is nothing that turns me on more than to hear what he wants me to do. Or to hear him tell me how what I am doing feels to him. But then again I am to embarrassed to speak up myself. Kinda like the pot calling the kettel black huh? I guess my main problem with speaking up is I don't honestly know if it is a turn on for him or a turn off. When I ask him he says "hell I don't care what the hell ever you want is fine. It really doesn't matter." I want to speak up a lot of times but don't because I worry about turning him off. Our sex life has slowed down dramatically since we got married as it is and I for one don't want to make it any slower if you get my drift. BUt... there I go wandering away from the question. YES I love to be with a vocal partner. Yes I would like to feel that If I wanted to, it would turn on my partner as much as me if I was vocal. I find myself as turned on being vocal as having a partner being vocal

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