04-08-2003, 10:59 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: NYC baby
Posts: 273
Hmmm let's see....
I've gotten a blowjob in the back seat of a car with my parent's driving...
In the back parking lot of my Elementary school (when I was in HS)
50 yard line of my HS football field
In a cabin at a Born Again Baptist retreat camp (my ex g/f not me) with about 15 people sleeping around us with a priest or pastor I think he was... whatever... sleeping right next to us
In my g/f's parent's bed/shower when they were home
On a roof of a short building down in SoHo in NYC with a LOT of taller buildings around.. I am sure SOME one got a show
And my all time favorite.... on a fire escape overlooking the corner of 97th and Madison in NYC at 5PM (rush hour) on a Wednesday Afternoon
there have been more... but these are the highlights!