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Old 03-26-2003, 08:56 AM
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....but since i am in my prime....

Do you think there is any truth to that prime thing? I feel like there are numerous "primes" in ones life. I can remember in my my mid twenties feeling like I couldn't be anymore "into" sex. And people would say you are just reaching your prime. Then now in my early 30's even more "into" sex, and again I read somewhere that it is the "prime". So my personal opinion is....even though hormones and such have a huge part in sex drive, it is more how comfortable you are with yourself. The more in tune and confident you are in what you want and need, and of course how well you can communicate that to your partner, plays the biggest part in feeling like you are in your "prime". And life experience makes all of that possible, not necessarily sexual experience. So with my philosophy things can only get better. Looking forward to my forties
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