Your Sexual Energy is Green
Your sexual energy is rich, serene, and abundant like the natural world.
You are always feeling your sexual aura flow through you, like a stream.
Rarely do you go anywhere without it
You seduce people with your luxurious glow.
You do not have to be obvious to express your sexuality.
Others just feel your serene sexual power that resides within.
First dates are a mental dance for you - as you subtly seduce potential lovers.
In bed, you can easily sense your lovers needs and to flow them as needed.
This spiritual click is your primary sexual strength.
However, sometimes you allow your carnal appetite to go too far, and you forget to be cautious.
While it's awesome and totally liberating to release your inner wild woman... watch out!
Sometimes your pheromones may mislead you.
Check out Natalie Portman and Julia Stiles for some green sexual energy guidance.
When it comes to the hot matches, people who have shades of red, yellow, and pink are strong possibilities.
DAMN, YOU ARE A SEXY ONE-skipthisone
I beleive in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve, and I beleive in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days. Kevin Costner/Bull Duram
"Your body as well as mine has needs. This is juat a little foreplay to highten our desire for each other. If we play out the game of love to it's natural conclusion, you'll experience fulfillment. Give yourself up to me and I'll guide you along the path to pareadise. Together we will be like fire and ice, love and hate, life and death." Virginia Henley
WANTED: a moment when you kiss someone and eveything around you becomes hazy. And the only thing in focus is you and this person and you relize that he is the only person your suppose to kiss for the rest of your life. And for one moment you get this amazing gift. You want to laugh and you want to cry. Cause you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared it will all go away at the same time.