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Old 03-19-2003, 01:21 PM
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Loulabelle Loulabelle is offline
Mrs FussyPucker
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: England
Posts: 3,635
At work on at my desk and on the reception desk where I cover at lunchtime with a client meeting going on just down the corridor.

In the back of the car while my Mum and Sister were in the front driving through France.

At school in the dorm showers at college.......and once in a bed I was sharing with my sister who was asleep at the time. :P

Yep...nothing can stop me if I'm horny enough! Lol
"Time flies like an arrow -
Fruit flies like a banana"

M Y - N A U G H T Y - P I C T U R E S ! !
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