03-10-2003, 04:15 PM
Magic Tongue
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: near stuttgart (Germany)
Posts: 747
they are great
well i use them sometimes. but i'm not sure if they really keep my erection. sometimes i think, definitfly yes and an othertime i think it's just the same as without one. but one thing i can say for sure, there is no a negative effect-for me.
i once bought two rubber-ones but they are different types. one is just a ring u put over the dick but meanwhile it's broken. i fear the meterial was not compatible with the oil. but it was very flexibe what was good. the other one is not that much flexible and is made out of two strings (like the pic). it works not that good as the normal ring, but therefore u can also put the balls within it.
but i enjoy using cockrings a lot. the erection feels great, the touch feels great, the sex feels great, orgasm feels great...