03-10-2003, 09:56 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Midwest
Posts: 3
Hello Silentsoul,
As the female half of a couple who are active swingers, I'd like to offer a little of our experience and knowledge here.
We have been actively involved in the lifestyle for three years and have been together ten years. Although your relationship began with your wife a couple of years prior to your marriage, your marriage is new and is much different than dating. This alone is quite overwhelming and will take time to settle comfortably in your roles as husband and wife, building comfort and security. You say that you have brought up about the possibility of MMF, FFM, etc. with her, but you don't say what her reaction was. If her reaction was negative, then I would say to avoid pushing the subject for now and just concentrate on your own relationship as a couple. As your marriage matures so will your ideas about what you both may want to seek in the future as a couple. Quite frankly if my husband would have brought up a bi-sexual issue early on in our relationship, I would have been shocked to say the least. It has only been in the last couple of years that he revealed a fantasy similar to yours and my first thought was not of shock, but "Cool!". That wouldn't have been the case though as little as five years ago.
Take your time and build that relationship with your wife, chances are your fantasy will have to remain just that for now, but later down the road, all of your fantasies may come true with her blessing and cheering you on.
Good luck!