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Old 07-05-2001, 08:01 AM
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Kissy Kissy is offline
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I'm not sure weather my husband would have an opinion to me putting this on here, but I'd guess he's around 51/2 inches. But he's the first to ever get to stick it in my ass, and he gets agrivated if I call him "comfortable" the truth is some positions still hurt (in a good way) but I can have sex with him more than once without fealing like I've been ripped, or without actually being torn. He is quite wide though, that's kindof just how he's built, short and wide. But the last time I had sex with someone other than my husband the guy was at least seven or eight inches, and I couldn't have sex with my husband for days. Which was a bummer, because he was so turned on knowing I had just slept with someone else. Sure size matters, the size of your heart, and the size of your brain...but the size of your dick? I've been with too many guys who because they knew they were well endowed (or thought they were) they were loosers in bed, they thought, Oh I'll drive her wild with this big cock...she should be thanking anyway I enjoy anal sex too much to be with a large man. They say you adjust, but I keep trying, and the seven inch vibrator just doesn't feel

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