Thread: Sexual drought
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Old 02-28-2003, 06:42 AM
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Jilly Jill Jilly Jill is offline
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Posts: 25
hmmm..the longest me and my hubbie have gone without sex was about 3 long agonizing battery draining months.

The reason why was a combination of two things. The first was our work schedule. Like you, he was working nights while I worked during the day and we had opposing days off. I worked mon-fri but since he's a cop, his days off were during the week and he was subject to unexpected call backs even then.

The second reason was our major problem though. He had been assigned as lead investigator to the Sexual Assault Reponse Team and after hearing about rapes and child molestation all day..well...lets just say it took a while before the little trooper felt like reporting to duty again.

However, once we got the train back on track, it was wonderful. The sex was mindblowing and intense for quite some time.

So dont worry too much, once things get back to normally I'm sure you'll be back to your regular scheduled 'programs'...
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