Jena Princittoni, also known as Guess Girl, hurried down the sidewalk towards her apartment building doing her best to ignore the hotdog vender that followed her down the street yelling out, "but mommie, I have foot longs!" and she was pretty sure he wasn't referring to his product.
She had grown accustomed to the unwanted attention ever since her accident ten months earlier but it could still be annoying.
Reaching her building she quickly turned to the door. She could see Bill The Doorman rushing from his desk in order to grab the door for her, (he had gotten very good at that in the last ten months), but she didn't have time to waste. Grabbing the door handle she swung it outwards and started to rush through before releasing a startled, "Ow!" as her head smacked into the edge of the opening door.
Staggering back, she heard the sloppy slide as the hotdog man hurled himself onto the sidewalk and looked up at her with wide pleading eyes, "Please, poppie!" he whined. "I'll do anything. Free hotdogs for a! Two years! Just let me smell your feet. I have foot longs!"
She couldn't so anything other than stare at the little hairy slug as he groveled on the pavement. "Smell my feet?" she thought. "That's a new one." And that was saying a lot. Since her mishap in the storage vault she had gotten god only knows how many different offers and advances. Everything from marriage proposals to...well...letting them smell her feet.
She was just about to turn back in to her building when Bill The Doorman, (that's how she thought of him), came charging out the double glass doors, ignoring the long crack that ran through the large pane from where her head hit it, with teeth gritted and a look of absolute fury in his eyes. "Is this man bothering you, Miss Princittoni?" he asked as his fingers curled and uncurled into tight fists.
She opened her full pouty lips and was just about to answer when Bill The Doorman said, "Don't worry, mean, Ma'am. I'll take care of this riffraff."
With that, Bill lumbered down the steps and proceeded to give the Hotdog Guy a serious dosage of Doorman justice. The last thing Jena heard as she carefully went through the doors was Hotdog Guy yelling, "Fooooot looongs!" as Bill The Doorman repeatedly reminded him that, "She's mine..mine mine mine!" with each smack of his fist.
Jena noticed, gratefully, that the lobby was empty as she made her way to the front desk. Going to the row of mailboxes, she quickly unlocked hers and pulled out a small stack of envelopes. As she rifled through the stack of letters, which she found were either bills or junk mail, she noticed that Bill The Doorman had finished with his vendetta outside and was happily standing by the door grinning happily at her with his hands in his pockets. She knew better than to smile back, remembering the riot that had caused last time, and turned back to her mail. Blowing a whisp of black hair from her eyes, which caused Bill The Doorman to whimper in estatic delight, she noticed the rich envelope near the bottom of the pile. Pulling the envelope to the top she read the fine, extravagant writing that was in the place for return of address. "St. Xavier's Academy? What the...?"