02-23-2003, 01:30 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Northern USA
Posts: 1,164
I most definitely, need the clit stimulation, or at least some pressure there if my b/f is hitting my "sweet spot". Definitely agree with the comment of feeling emply if I cum without penetration. Usually use my own fingers to rub my clit while my b/f is banging away and ohhhhh baby is it ever great! But when I am alone, just a vibe on my clit or the water from the faucet in my tub, will do the trick! Not very hard for me to cum. Working on teaching myself how to cum by mind alone. I've heard of women able to do this and would love to be able to accomplish that one! Not sure it will be possible since I too am such a clit girl, but hey aren't we all?