02-16-2003, 04:54 AM
Pixies Den Mother
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: No-Hockey Land, dammit!!
Posts: 11,897
Originally posted by txgrneyes
If something is missing from the relationship and your s/o wouldn't try that something for one reason or another and somebody offered it to you. Your honestly telling me that you wouldn't if the circumstances were right.
I beleive I would...not to hurt him but to satisfy me...and make me happy for a while so I can try to convince him to try so I wouldn't have to.
Very well phrased, txgrneyes!
This is precisely the situation I find myself in. Up until 10 months ago I would have adamantly insisted that I would NEVER cheat.
But one can only take so much neglect. I love him dearly, and would never leave him, especially after investing over 30 years in our basically happy marriage. If he ever finds out, I can honestly say that I tried everything I could to get him to understand what I need from him that he is both incapable of providing, and unwilling to try alternatives to provide.
What I am doing is NOT meant to hurt him, spite him, or "get even" with him in any way. It is simply because I found someone who is happy to provide what I need, and I believe I'm doing the same for him.