Thread: Sexual Rut
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Old 02-13-2003, 02:01 AM
airhog airhog is offline
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Posts: 401
Sexual Rut

I need some help, my sex life has fallen into a rut, its always make out, then me perform oral sex, and then sex. My gf has gotten used to my tongue, and its getting harder to bring her to orgasm. The main problem, is that she doesnt get wet, and her vagina doesnt expand unless her clit is stimulated.

She is very finicky about orgasms, if it is too intense she gets turned off. It makes it very hard for me to rub her clit too orgasm.

I guess what im asking along with the rest of the questions, is how can I get her to talk to me more about the sensations she feels and what she likes. She wont even ask for oral sex, even though I have told her 100 times that it turns me on. She gets embarresed about it, but I havent been able to figure out how to get her to express her desires.
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