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Old 08-23-2016, 03:11 PM
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Pixies Horse Widower
Join Date: Jul 2002
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And I was forced to admit to myself I had liked it. More, I had enjoyed it despite myself, and I knew from what Charlie had said that Lindsay had enjoyed it too. And that was wrong, I knew it. Legally, morally, parently; (OK, I know that isn't a word, but it should be!) wrong from whatever angle one cared to look at it. Except . . .

Lindsay was so like her mother in all the ways that really matter, it was uncanny. Caring, loving, compassionate, to name but three major psychological attributes, plus the way she had of smiling just like Jan did, some of her mannerisms, even her eyes; those, plus the full figure and stunning looks - well, I could very easily persuade myself it was absolutely fine for me to have sex with my daughter, even though a big (but diminishing) part of me knew it was wrong.

On the other hand, there was Charlie. She too felt that me and Lindsay together was fine morally and in every other way, going so far as to tell me my daughter wanted to make love with me. Which I thought I wanted too, although I didn't because it was wrong . . . ahhhhh, fuck it all, this was just going round and round in circles in my head; I needed to get out in the fresh air again and clear my mind to come up with some way of escaping my thoughts, even if it meant an impromptu holiday somewhere by myself. As I stood up to go and get a quick shower and go for a run (with the dog, if he could tear himself away from the girls!) I became aware my penis had regained a mind of its own and was rock hard inside my jeans! Oh dear God, was there to be no relief?


As it was nearly lunchtime before I'd gathered what remained of my wits and called for Bodie, he was keen to get out with me. I'd decided that as it was quite cool, I would run in my jeans and trainers and worry about getting too warm and/or sweaty if it happened. I'd always enjoyed running longish distances (I'm rubbish at sprinting, always have been) and usually found it relaxing and quite cathartic, especially in that dark time after Jan's death.

Today was no exception, and nearly two hours after leaving the house, an exhausted Bodie and I returned to find a worried pair of twenty-something women waiting impatiently for our return. Naturally, having neglected to take my phone with me, I was on the receiving end of two irate women's ire for making them worry unnecessarily!

"Dad, where the FUCK have you been?" My darling, sweet-natured daughter, if you hadn't guessed.

"Martin, we were SO worried about you - we thought you'd gone and done something . . . . "

Charlie, being a little melodramatic I felt, but explained by their joint voicing of,

"We thought what happened was too much for you . . . "

"I thought I reminded you too much of mum, and . . . "

Rather than get into a big debate or argument, I simply smiled and pulled the two disparately-sized yet gorgeous females into a three-way hug, both of them reciprocating fiercely resulting in a rather large and firm pair of breasts squashing against the right side of my chest, while a much smaller though still sexy frame wrapped itself around my left side - and leg!

I kissed Lindsay full on the lips, much to her surprise (and my own, if I'm honest!), then turned and kissed the top of Charlie's dark-blue head, dropping to kiss her lips also as she turned her head up to face me.

Pulling back from them both I said,

"Thanks for the welcome home girls, really. Bodie and I were enjoying our run," Bodie was already fast asleep in his basket, "so much that we lost track of time! Now," I continued uninterrupted (for now) "I'm going up for a shower, so if you'll kindly unhand me . . . ."

One final, tight hug from both girls and I was allowed to kick off my shoes, then headed upstairs to my en suite shower. As I stripped my clothes off and threw them in the basket, I reflected on the concerns shown by Lindsay and Charlie by my lengthy absence, and the cause of them; I decided I needed to have a serious talk with both of them about what had been going on, and that I was (kind of) coming to terms with it all.

Well, you've heard the one about "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men, Gang aft a-gley", right? It's from a poem by Scotland's National bard, Robert Burns, called "Tae a moose", (that's "To a mouse" for those of you who don't speak Old Scots!) and the concept describes perfectly what happened to my plan. There I was in my rather large shower stall, soaped up and quite happily scrubbing away at the exercise-induced sweat, when I felt a coolness on my skin that hadn't been there a few seconds before. Because I had soap in my eyes at this point, as is the way with showers, I couldn't see what was happening, nor could I hear anything over the hard jets of the water; none of that mattered when I suddenly felt two warm arms encircling my waist, a pair of fleshy mounds pressing against my back at chest level and soft kisses to the back of my neck.

It didn't take a genius to work out who that was! Nor was I especially surprised when two more arms encircled me, (at a much lower level!) from the front this time, two stiff nubs pressing into my belly and little fluttery kisses speckling my chest. After a minute or so both girls drew back from me, Linz taking the shower-head from its holder and directing it towards my face so I could wipe the soap from my eyes, Charlie moving back just far enough to allow her fingers to curl round my growing member, a gentle stroke reminding me of the prowess displayed earlier in the day.

When I could see properly again I was delighted to confirm both girls were completely naked, their disparate but sexy charms fully on display. I had decided that, irrespective of whether or not I agreed, these girls were both fully intent on fucking me so I may as well lie back and enjoy it (so to speak) even if one of them was my own flesh and blood! With that concept in my head I was now able to fully appreciate Lindsay's beauty and sexiness, so reminiscent of her mother it still brought about a pang of loss inside me.

Linz stood to one side in front of me, with Charlie to her right - still holding on to my burgeoning rod I might add - water running in rivulets from her shoulders down over her full, stiff-nippled breast, round the underside curve and down her slightly rounded belly to her groin. As I looked down to her pubic mound I saw dozens of water droplets shimmering in the wisps of light-brown hair at the very top of her slit, now trimmed into a triangle, or a downward-pointing arrow leading straight to the very core of her sex.

"She's SO fucking sexy, isn't she?"

Charlie's voice was a whisper as she gazed lovingly at my daughters' gorgeous form, her hand moving to rest almost protectively on Lindsay's right hip.

"Yes," I replied, "yes she is. And so are you!" I went on, smiling as my forefinger swept over her torso and flicked against a rock-hard, thimble-sized nipple.

I was again somewhat amazed at the relatively huge size of Charlie's nipples on her tiny frame which, excited as they now were, seemed to contract somehow and pull her scant breast-flesh into a tiny hillock on her chest, in contrast to the slight pad of flesh that was her more usual appearance - with clothes on, at least! Charlie's' shoulders were wider than one might have imagined given her slight stature, and her hips flared out just enough to let you know she was, in fact, a mature woman who was extremely confident in her own sexuality. Charlie was shaved completely bare, as I already knew, which somehow seemed to suit her perfectly.

I still felt more than a little uncomfortable being naked, and semi-erect, in front of my daughter, despite all we'd experienced in recent times. The 'semi' element of that statement very quickly became 'fully erect', thanks to Charlie's gently stroking my shaft in her delicate fingers, and my own visual appreciation of Lindsay's magnificent breasts and pussy, their beauty enhanced by the slick rivulets of water coursing down her body. Linz had 'that' smile on her face now; the quixotic half-smile so reminiscent of her mother, her green eyes shining brightly at me as she let her hand mirror Charlie's on the other side of my cock, sinking slowly to her knees until her head was level with my groin.

Somehow, over the susurration of the shower spray, I heard Lindsay's soft voice saying,

"I've waited a long time for this." I could hardly believe my ears, but she went on,

"So long I've wanted to taste you properly dad. I want to make it good for you the way mum did."

Stupid as it sounds, tears suddenly appeared in my eyes as I thought again of my beautiful, dead wife. Lindsay obviously realised what was happening and decided to press on regardless, a decision I was glad of if I'm honest. My daughter, and newest lover, approached my rigid shaft with her mouth slightly open, her moist lips lightly touching the velvety helmet of my penis for the very first time. And how wonderfully exquisite it felt! Charlie's oral ministrations this morning had been amazing, but Lindsay took things to a whole new level.

Her lips glided down the full length of my cock without cease until I felt them surrounding the very base of my shaft, fingers shifting down to cup my heavy, desperate balls. Slowly, Linz allowed her mouth to ascend my shaft until only the slick head remained between her lips, fingers tugging oh so gently on my sac, before once again slowly swallowing my length until I was fully buried in my daughters' throat.

Meanwhile, Charlie had been busy doing her own thing; that consisted of using the hand that had been stroking my cock to encourage Lindsay's bobbing head, while the other had begun fondling my buttocks - yes buttocks, plural, as she was alternating between the two as she stroked and kneaded my taut flesh. After a few, cycles if you will, of this, I noticed that every so often Charlie's fingers were slipping deeper between my butt cheeks with every third or fourth pass until eventually, inevitably, a fingertip made fleeting yet definite contact with my clenched anal ring.

Suddenly her hand disappeared, and I thought nothing of it for a few seconds as Linz had now swallowed my whole length and was somehow managing to lick my ball-sack with her slick tongue! From time to time through all this I had felt Lindsay's hard nipples brushing against the front of my thighs, but now I realised there was a different sensation assaulting my leg flesh. Looking beyond the top of Lindsay's head as it continued to move on my cock I saw Charlie had moved behind her girlfriend's kneeling body, to reach round her torso to cup Linz's full breasts in her small hands, two pairs of thumbs & forefingers nipping and squeezing two hard, pink nipples, pulling them out from the surface of Lindsay's firm young breasts, movements which also caused the backs of her fingers to rub against my thighs.

Charlie's manipulations of Linz's tits brought about a low humming in the back of her throat, the very same throat my cock was currently invading, this resulting in a mild vibration around the thickness of my shaft which created an amazing sensation in my penis, especially the head. These sensations were by far the most unusual, yet exciting, I've ever experienced, and the knowledge that it was my daughter (plus her gorgeous girlfriend of course!) who was the cause was, once again, slightly blowing my mind. When I felt one of Charlie's delicate hands cup my balls I thought I was going to blow right then, but she managed to somehow coincide a light tug downwards on my sac with my own muscular tightening to prevent it; even so, it was a very close-run thing!

Just as I thought I was about to ejaculate into my daughters' lovely mouth, she suddenly lifted her head from my groin and stood up in front of me. My cock moved slightly from side to side, thin streamers of saliva (my daughter's saliva!) mixed with my pre-cum dangling from the tip of it. Lindsay reached over and shut off the shower then, taking my pulsing shaft in her hand, led my out of the shower and through into my bedroom, Charlie following closely behind. Both girls now took a towel each and dried firstly me, then themselves, Charlie finishing first and her hand taking over from Linz in holding on to my cock to lead me over to the bed.

Ah, the bed. MY bed. King-sized, supremely comfortable and the bed where I had made love so many times to my wife and where Lindsay had sucked me dry so recently, to later share with her girlfriend. Charlie turned to walk backwards then, with a suppleness only (young) women meme to possess, kneel-walked across the mattress while still leading me by my rock-hard member into the centre of the bed. Then she leant up to kiss me, hard, and eased forward with her hand until I had no alternative but to move my legs so I could lie on my back, Charlie's hand still wrapped round my thickness, her barely-there tits pressing against my chest as her mouth tried to devour mine.

I think I mentioned Charlie's tits before. Tiny pads of flesh topped by dark pink nipples which, when she was cold or aroused, grew to almost the size of the tip of my pinkie. That may not sound all that big (although, if you look at your pinkie it really is!) but on her petite frame they looked huge. Oh, and hard. Did I mention hard? At this moment, Charlie's nipples were probably just as hard as my cock, and the two pebble-like nubs were digging in to my ribs as she continued her oral jousting match with me. I felt Charlie's right leg move over mine so she was now straddling my belly (where was Lindsay?) and I felt the tip of my penis touch her bare flesh; buttock? thigh? I didn't know, nor did it really matter!

Charlie's legs were spread wide apart in order for her to be able to straddle me, which had the bonus effect of allowing me to see her pussy properly for the first time. Unlike Lindsay (where was she?), Charlie was shaved totally bare, and I could see clearly that she had large inner labia which were hanging down from her slit, swollen and very wet! Now I felt the mattress sink down on either side of my shins: Lindsay had joined us. I felt the weight of her buttocks softly alighting on my lower legs and then her hands appeared, one on each of Charlie's hips, easing her back until those swollen cunt lips just grazed the head of my cock.

Oh. My. God. It felt heavenly, so soft and wet I could barely believe my senses. Linz moved her hands then and seemed to push Charlie's pelvis back up my body, her engorged lips now leaving a trail of wet juices on my stomach as she inched her way slowly upwards. It seemed like Lindsay was moving with her, her hands now roaming up and down the length of Charlie's body, stroking her torso, fingers teasing those firm nubs, all the while sliding her own groin up the length of my legs until, finally, wondrously, her pussy was resting directly over the base of my throbbing penis. She stopped.

Charlie kept moving however, until her knees jammed in my armpits and she could move no further. My vision was now filled with Charlie alone, from her soaking, puffy cunt, up over her flat belly to her tiny but immaculate breasts and, finally, her gorgeous, smiling, wanton face. After allowing me my visual fill (actually, I'm not sure I'd ever get tired of looking at her!) Charlie's raised herself up and said,

"Martin, slide your arms through my legs so I can move up".

Well, who was I to argue? With some difficulty it must be said, I managed to wriggle my arms in between Charlie's slim thighs, deliberately avoiding touching her pussy and allowing her to continue her upward slide until her glorious vulva was directly above my head. From here I could plainly see every detail of her labia, the slightly crinkled flesh near the swollen bud of her clitoris swelling into smooth wet lips just begging to be licked - and sucked. I considered then it would be rude not to so, my hands grasping Charlie's pert buttocks one in each hand, I guided her sweet hole down to my mouth and tasted the sexual juices of a woman for the first time since Jan had died.

She was delicious. At first I was a little hesitant, obviously not knowing what Charlie liked, but I needn't have worried. The first couple of licks of her plump lips released what seemed like a flood of her juices, so sweet yet with a slight 'tang' that made my cock twitch against my daughters' pussy where she still sat on my lower belly, grinding herself against my hardness. Within seconds, my tongue was buried deep inside Charlie's cunt, my mouth covering her whole mound and my top lip pressing firmly against the silky smooth button that was her clitoris. I couldn't believe just how turned on she was, or how often I was having to swallow to keep from drowning in her secretions. I opened my eyes, closed so as to better savour her taste, to see Lindsay's hands roughly squeezing and pulling on Charlie's breast mounds, the thick nipples protruding from between Linz's fingers now darkened from both stimulation and desire.

It didn't take long for Charlie's breathing to speed up, then turn ragged, as her orgasm approached like a runaway train. She had managed to turn her body and head sufficiently that she and Lindsay could kiss passionately, her hands now behind her as she grasped Lindsay firmly by the buttocks and pulled her firmly into her own rear end. I obviously couldn't see from where I was buried between Charlie's thighs, but I could easily imagine the fullness of Linz's tits pressing hard against Charlie's back.

Suddenly Charlie broke her and Lindsay's oral embrace and let out what sounded like a cross between a scream and a moan, the amount of juice pouring from her pussy turning in to a mini Niagara as her climax ripped through her. So much was there that I had no chance of keeping up with her, the flood of sweet juices covering my chin, face, even down my neck on to my shoulders, her thighs tight around my head as she shuddered through a biggest orgasm I had ever caused in anyone - even Jan!

After what felt like minutes - but obviously wasn't; I'm not THAT good - I felt Charlie going limp above me and the flow of her cream slowly subsided. I looked up again to see her head flung back to lie on Lindsay's shoulder, Linz offering tiny pecks on her cheek as her breathing gradually returned to something approaching normality.

"Oh my fuck Martin!" she managed to utter, still sitting back on my upper chest with her gaping pussy only inches from my mouth, the smell from her utterly intoxicating.

"That was amazing; by far the best orgasm any man has ever given me! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!"

Well, what man wouldn't feel happy to have managed that, especially at 52 and thinking their best years were behind them! I had also become aware that my gorgeous, sexy daughter was still sitting on my still-rampant cock, her own full vaginal lips covering my shaft with her own slick secretions. Lindsay seemed to recognise the fact at pretty much the same time, so engrossed had she been in helping Charlie achieve the best orgasm she could.

Charlie was now, momentarily at least, drained of energy and, as she pushed herself hard down onto me, Linz helped her girlfriend to slip off my chest to lie beside us on the bed. I was now able to view Lindsay's whole body as she sat astride me, the head of my cock showing between her thighs beneath the thin dark-blonde covering of her pubic bush, and I was struck once again just how like her mother she looked both in face AND body; facially, this was borne out yet again by that wee half-smile on her mouth that so epitomised Jan and bodily by the full, round breasts sitting proudly over a very slightly rounded tummy, nipples at full attention just waiting for my touch, the overall shape and curves of her body so reminiscent of my wife.

I mentally shook my head and put thoughts of Jan to the back of my mind, instead concentrating fully on the first real, full and uninterrupted sight of my beautiful naked daughter, sitting astride me, with her equally naked and differently gorgeous girlfriend lying beside us.
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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