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Old 08-23-2016, 03:10 PM
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Pixies Horse Widower
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My dream was true to life though, inasmuch as I always woke up totally inside Jan's tight cunt with her bouncing increasingly strongly on my cock as she observed my wakefulness, tits heaving and shaking in time with her thrusts and just begging to be sucked, with which unspoken request I almost always complied. Usually I was getting close to orgasm by the time I was fully awake, and my dream was no exception it seemed. Smiling up at my dear wife, one of her hard, thick nipples filling my mouth, I came massively inside her. Three, then four, no, five strong jets of spunk erupted from my penis, filling her desperate pussy more and more, so my spunk was forced out and down to cover my balls while she kissed me hard as she jerked and spasmed on top of me, her climax ripping through her body as we came together once again.

I woke for real then, beautiful sexy memories fading quickly away as consciousness won its daily fight and alerting me to the huge, sticky mess that now inhabited the unfamiliar nightwear I was wearing. Jumping up, I quickly removed the boxers, mopping up my cooling emissions as best I could before going into my en suite to clean up properly. I threw the boxers in the clothes hamper, making a mental note to put the laundry on before I left in the morning, the returned to bed where I slept soundly for the remainder of the night.


Life being what it is, I woke late and had to rush around shaving and showering to be on time for work. Being the owner and boss I suppose I could have been as late as I wanted, but I'd found over the years that doing so ruined the flow of my day, of my week even, so wasn't really worth it in the end. Naturally that meant I forgot all about laundry or anything related to it, though even when I did remember about it some hours later, I didn't think anything much about it. Unfortunately for me, from a 'what's this sticky mess?' point of view, Linz had decided to do her own laundry, had checked my hamper to fill the machine and discovered my still damp boxers in pride of place on top of the pile of dirty clothes in my hamper. Given the item in question and placement of the rather large damp patch, I guess it was fairly obvious what it was.

Now I'm sure that being my daughter, Lindsay would never have mentioned her little find; I think she would have been far too embarrassed. Charlie on the other hand didn't seem to have an embarrassment gene at all, and it was she who commented on my nocturnal activities.

"Wow Mr G," she exclaimed as walked in the door, "you sure are get pretty turned on for an old guy!"

I wondered for a few seconds just what she was on about, until Linz, blushing furiously at this point, piped up and said,

"I was in your hamper to do a wash, and found your, erm, dirty boxers from yesterday," she stammered a little bit over that last bit, something my normally hugely confident daughter would never do.

"Who were you thinking about then Mr G? Anyone we know?"

Charlie, of course, and delivered with a hugely theatrical wink as she asked.

A little flustered myself by now, I replied,

"Well Charlie, not anyone you know, no. But," I decided to elaborate just this once, "it was a very pleasant dream, which I get very few of, about Linz's mum.

In fact," I kept going, despite Lindsay's renewed blushing, "it was so nice, I rather hope I get another dream like it very soon!"

Charlie had the good grace to look rather abashed by my statement, and I felt a little bit bad for causing it until I reasoned that if she hadn't asked, I wouldn't have told her. I did feel a bit uncomfortable for Lindsay, but again reasoned that at 23 years old, in a bisexual relationship (AND still having a boyfriend, don't forget) me saying I'd had an enjoyable dream about her mother, who I still loved deeply, was a mere bagatelle.

"Sorry Mr G," Charlie apologies, "I didn't mean anything . . . "

"I know you didn't Charlie," I answered, "you weren't to know. Besides, I know sometimes your mouth sets off before your brain's in gear!"

She and Linz both laughed at that, and seemed to relax back into their normal demeanours after this.

Dinner was something else the girls had decided to take responsibility for, and when I came back downstairs after getting changed out of my suit and tie it was to find the dining table laid (I usually ate sitting in front of my computer) and an enticing aroma of spices and cooking meat emanating from the kitchen.

Charlie emerged from there with a cold bottle of Peroni, my beverage of choice for some time now, and told me to "go and do what you do - dinner will be ready soon" as she ushered me away into the living room.

A few minutes later, the girls appeared at the table with a large tray containing plates with upturned bowls on them at one end, plus the Moroccan tagine I forgot I had on the other. Lindsay lifted the lid of the tagine with a flourish to reveal a delicious-smelling stew of lamb, spices and vegetables, with the bowls hiding superbly cooked, fluffy white rice.

Isn't it funny how your kids go and live their own lives, sometimes far away from you, and all of a sudden they've morphed in to proper adults all their own; they have their own homes, jobs, lives; and skills you knew not of until a certain point. An epiphany of sorts, if you will. Well, this was mine. I knew Linz could cook well enough to keep herself and Rob fed, but I had never realised she had evolved into such a good cook as she evidently had become. Stew might generally be considered a pretty simple dish, but this was absolutely delicious without being too hot/spicy with perfectly balanced flavours and spicing. I know, I'm starting to sound like some sort of food critic here, but credit where it's due, right?

I retired to the living room with another beer, at the girls' insistence, while they cleared away the dishes, washed up and tidied the kitchen - not that there had appeared to be much mess anyway. Eschewing the usual banal crap on the television I had put on one of my favourite CD's - Pearl Jam live in Milan, a gig I had been extremely pleased to be able to attend, having acquired two excellent seats in the San Siro stadium through a very satisfied client. That it had been necessary to spend 5 days in Milan with my cousin, who was an even bigger fan of the band than I am, was a small price to pay I reckoned! It seemed that both Linz and Charlie both liked my taste in music too, as they appeared in the doorway dancing in time to the music, singing along with Eddie despite not having been at the gig or heard the arrangements!

After a couple of hours listening to not just that set of discs, but a variety of others bands, it was getting near time of last walk for Bodie and bed - for me at least. When I returned from walking the dog both girls had also disappeared to bed and I emulated them minutes later, hearing whispers and giggles from their room as I passed by. For a change, within minutes of my head hitting the pillow, I was asleep, doubtless aided by the several beers I'd drunk during the evening. For some reason though, despite the decent sleep the night before, the good company today, and the beer - or maybe because of the beer? - tonight's dream was back to the usual but this time even worse.

I'm not entirely sure what the dream consisted of this time, but it must have been sufficiently bad that I was shouting and screaming loud enough to wake the girls. I know because, as I thrashed my way to some semblance of wakefulness, I found myself in a firm embrace consisting of soft yet firm flesh and a light perfume I recognised - Jan! My eyes shot open as I came fully awake, only to find a concerned pair of jade-green eyes looking directly into mine. Lindsay it was, who had come to check I was alright and decided I needed a proper cuddle to wake up to.

Within about two milliseconds of this, I realised two things; I had gone to bed naked, as was my usual habit when alone, and I had a massive erection that was attempting to drill itself into Lindsay's thigh! I hadn't moved so quickly for some considerable time as I did pulling away from Linz right then. I put my free hand over myself as I turned as far round from her as I could, feeling my cheeks blazing in embarrassment as I did so.

"Oh Linz, I'm SO sorry!" I stammered my apology to my daughter, who seemed oblivious to what had happened, at least until she answered.

"Dad, it's OK," she replied, " obviously you were dreaming about mum again, and it went bad somehow. For you to be," she paused a second here, "hard for her is normal for you. I don't mind at all," she went on, "after all, I shouldn't really be in here with you anyway, especially the way I'M dressed!"

Of course, that was my cue to look round to see what she was talking about. At first glance it seems she was wearing nothing untoward; a long blue t-shirt with a v-neck and cream-coloured panties. Not the most concealing of attire perhaps, but plenty for someone sleeping with her lover. Then I realised; the t-shirt was obviously kept for night-time trips to the bathroom while she was here, because what I could see wasn't panties at all - it was my beautiful daughters' trimmed dark-blonde pubic hair!

Despite myself, my almost flaccid penis resurfaced into solid rigidity in seconds at the sight, overtaking my hands' ability to cover it from Lindsay's sight. I have no idea how big my penis is, as I've never measured it (or had it measured!) but it's big enough that it escaped my hand and was openly visible to my stunning, but not somehow not stunned, 23-year old daughter. The fact that she saw my erect penis was somewhat stunning to me however, though it took me a few seconds to grab the quilt that had fallen off me during my dream and cover myself up.

"Oh Linz," I choked on the words, "I'm SO sorry you had to see, well, that."

"Dad, it's totally OK," she replied, "I should have made sure you were 'decent' before I came in. It's just that you sounded SO upset and distressed . . . " she tailed off then, before adding, "but it IS a nice one!"

Oh. Fuck.

Did my daughter just say I had a nice dick?

Guilt, shame, horror - all these emotions flooded though me as I tried vainly to blot out what I'd heard, to ignore what my traitorous body had decided was the 'right' thing to do; namely, to cause what had been a rapidly deflating penis to magically resurrect itself to full rigidity and length, once again escaping the hand trying unsuccessfully to cover it from sight. To her credit, Lindsay did look away, but only after she'd managed to sear the image into her brain!

Leaning over me again, she kissed me lightly on the mouth before standing up and saying,

"I'm back off to bed then daddy," she hadn't called me 'daddy' for years, "hope you can get back to sleep OK. See you in the morning," and promptly left my room with a slight grin to her mouth.

Much as I appreciated the sentiment, I doubted whether sleep would return easily this night; Lindsay wasn't the only one who stared, and the sight of stiff nipples pushing out the front of a very full t-shirt, plus having had a lengthy glimpse of sexy, hair-covered young pussy, was more than enough to ensure that part of me wasn't going to go to sleep any time soon!

Somehow, I managed to drift off to a disturbed and ultimately unrefreshing sleep, though thankfully unbothered by any further dreams.


Waking in the morning at an ungodly hour even for me, I decided to give Bodie a quick morning routine and get in to work early, thus avoiding the girls - especially Linz. A bit chicken-shit of me I guess, but I really wasn't feeling up to talking about last night yet, especially as Charlie was almost as much a morning person as me, and would doubtless be round and about. Not good, I thought. Unfortunately for me, Charlie was indeed up and about when I returned from walking the dog, standing in the kitchen with a mug of something hot in her hands and dressed in what looked like the same t-shirt my daughter had been wearing a few hours earlier but which looked like an evening dress on her due to her diminutive size.

"G'morning Mr G," she commented, bright blue eyes shining with mischief, "see anything you like?"

I flushed bright red at that, realising I must have been staring at her, or rather the shirt, for rather too long.

"Oh, yeah . . .morning Charlie!" I stammered in reply, turning away to fix the dogs' breakfast and giving myself some time to recover, adding "do you want anything to eat?"

"Well, from what Linz told me last night," she answered, "I just might do. Nothing that would fit on a plate though, from what I can gather!"

I froze then as i was bending down to put Bodies' dish on the floor. Did Charlie just say what I thought she did? Was she flirting with me? Replaying the last few seconds in my head, the answer was a resounding 'Yes'!

Blushing wildly again, I put the dogs' bowl on the floor and slowly stood up, facing Charlie as I did so. She drew herself up to her full 4'10" height and looked me as squarely in the eye as she could manage, blue orbs sparkling and a somewhat enigmatic smile on her lips.

"What is it, Mr G?" she asked, striving for an innocent expression. "Did I say something wrong?"

I could see in my peripheral vision that Charlie's tits, while virtually non-existent in terms of bulk, obviously possessed delightfully large nipples; I knew this now because my eyes automatically dropped to her chest to take in the gloriously perky nubs as they created two prominent bumps on the front of the shirt, much like Lindsay's had last night . . .

Stop it! I scolded myself for even daring to think of my daughter in any sort of sexual way. What was wrong with me? I drove myself to concentrate of the elfin form in front of me, which proved little less stressful given Charlie was still smiling 'that' smile at me, and her nipples were still - oh God, they were even MORE prominent now, pushing the shirt material out by fully half an inch and was she closer to me now? Fuck, fuck FUCK!

Now I could feel my prick stiffening in my jeans, which seemed to go un-noticed by Charlie, at first anyway. Taking a sip from the mug in her hands she brazenly liked at my crotch - it was roughly in her eye line after all - and said,

"Well, someone likes what I said anyway!" lifting her gaze to mine as she flicked her dual-coloured hair back off her face, a proper grin now lighting up her face.

To explain, at the moment, Charlie's hair was doubly coloured; the main, upper layers were a rather subdued (for her) shiny, turquoisey blue, with a bright orange under layer. Not many girls could have carried that off I did' think, but on Charlie it somehow looked right. I had no idea whatsoever what her natural colour was; I had never seen her with anything other than some vivid shade or other suffusing her hair.

Anyway, I decided that flirting with someone young enough to be my daughter was probably not a good idea, especially when said girl was my daughter's bona fide girlfriend! Plus, she had this uncanny knack of making me feel slightly ashamed of myself, quite rightly too I suspected, to the point I felt it was past time I got ready for and went, to work.

"I couldn't possibly comment!" I quipped, in long-delayed response to Charlie's remark, and turned away as I headed upstairs to shave and shower prior to heading to work.

Thankfully, I managed to leave the house without seeing Charlie again, nor had Linz made an appearance. My work day passed with the usual amount of faux dramas, irritating phone calls from clients, problems with projects delivery schedules, tradesmen moving about timescales - all the usual nonsense my firm had to deal with every day. And I loved it. I must say that when architects get it right, which I like to think we do most of the time, our clients end up with buildings, conversions, extensions, that bring both great joy to them, and look good to both the clients AND the neighbours that have to bear the brunt of the view; those are the people that most architects tend to forget. I do my absolute best not to do that, which I think is a big part of why I am now so sought after in certain circles, and why my firm is doing really rather well thank you!

What price success though? Jan had always been a huge fan and support of my work, yet she had never really enjoyed the fruits of my career progress. That was passed to Lindsay who, to be fair to her, had never come anywhere close to becoming spoilt, yet had never wanted for anything financially either; a credit to the values instilled in her by her mother, who had never been a particularly materialistic person, a trait I both admired and did my best to continue to instil in Lindsay despite the geographic distance between us.

Now, of course, Lindsay and Charlie were able to benefit from the seeds Jan and I had sown by having this house to use as a haven until they had sorted out their lives, hopefully not intruding too much into mine as they did so. I know what you're thinking; what a selfish b******. And you're probably right. But I'd existed on my own for a few years now, and I'd settled on a certain way of doing things that didn't necessarily account for two active twenty-something's living in the same house!

Still, we persevered over the next few days, with me thankfully managing to sleep fairly well, and more importantly, nightmare free. I seemed to meet Charlie in the kitchen most mornings, but without the frisson of that first post-nightmare encounter, though her basic attire of t-shirt and slippers never varied. It was a revelation to me, and surprisingly surprising, that Charlie was in fact very intelligent, extremely quick and alert in discussions, and that I was growing to appreciate just what my daughter loved about her. For her part, Linz had started to work from my - our - home, making good use of the superfast broadband I'd had installed only a few months ago to continue being able to do her job from a distance.

All was going swimmingly, in fact, until . . .

One night, apropos of nothing whatsoever, the nightmare returned. Once again I could not remember the content of my dream, all I remember is screaming myself awake and finding Lindsay already by my side, holding me tight as if trying to ward of the demons of my unconscious. Unlike the first time this had happened she was clothed only in a pair of tiny briefs, barely covering her pubic mound, and when I had fully wakened and realised what was happening I noticed that her full, naked breasts were pressing firmly against my ribs, with the hard points of her nipples quite noticeable against my skin.

Plus - I had a massive erection. Again.

This time Linz didn't speak, and I convinced myself she didn't know I was now awake. She was murmuring softly in my ear, "Sshh, daddy, it's all OK. It's all right, just go back to sleep . . . "

That was fine; more than fine, she actually was calming my thumping heart to the point it felt normal, all with rightful concern for her father's well-being. Then, everything changed. Lindsay's right arm, which had been round my waist, moved down my body until her hand found the stiff rod pointing skywards from my groin. I felt her fingers curl round the base of my warm shaft, slowly sliding upwards until they halted at the flare of my glans, leaving the mushroom head protruding from her grasp.

A few seconds later, Lindsay's hand moved back down until it rested on my pubic mound, then up again, then down, repeating the moves until her upward strokes were completely encompassing the head of my cock with every movement. By now too my own natural lubrication was pouring from my slit, covering my glans and shaft in slick juices which served only to help Linz in her apparent goal of making me come; a goal that was getting ever closer as her slippery hand teased my tender cock to an almost unbearable degree. Within seconds I was getting very close to coming, something she seemed to realise even without me saying so, angling my penis towards my belly so that a few strokes later I felt that tingle all men know and as Lindsay's hand slid over my slippery mushroom head one last time I erupted. Once, twice, then a smaller third time, streams of thick sperm shot out of me to cover my belly in stick white juice, the first jet having reached my breastbone so strong was the force Linz had found in me.
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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