02-12-2003, 06:37 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: North Queensland
Posts: 420
CherryChick - the answer is in your hands! Practice, practice, practice by yourself first. Don't go for an orgasm, just let yourself have a good time. Glass of wine, shower, hop into bed at 8 in the evening with an erotic book, and just stroke that pussy while you read. You'll soon figure out what works for you. Once you do, expand your repetoire a bit with different positions, something inside you, vibrator etc. That way you won't get fixated on just one method - important if you want to enjoy all sorts of things later.
Once you are confident that you can give yourself an orgasm, then your boyfriend stands a chance of doing the same thing. If he finds it difficult, let him see you doing it (mutual masturbation is fun!). He should be able to figure out what to do.
And then, the sky's the limit!