02-07-2003, 05:25 PM
Learning to talk sexy
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 3,264
Hi Jenna ... I've listed at a couple of sites online and have met a few really nice guys that way .... none that have turned into long term romantic relationships, but certainaly it has given me a chance to meet a lot more guys then I ever would have done in the normal course of events. I am listed with specialty sites and find that best since I know up front that the guys there are looking for a specific thing that I offer (as BBW sites do). I have found that if you don't put a picture up, you get almost no response ... men are very visual beings and don't always want to take the time to read a profile if they don't always know they like the look first ... interestingly, I'm not so different, I like to see if I'd be attracted before I bother to read the profile.
Anyway, I know a few people (in my personal life) who have met and married or developed long-term romantic relationships with a person they met online. One thing I really like about the sites is that they give you some basic information about the person up front.... I have some criteria that I follow and no matter how attracted I may feel to the pic, if they do or they don't on these items, then it is a deal breaker. Well anyway, rambled on enough now ... best of luck to you in your search .... I look at on-line personals as just another tool I can use.