Thread: buying porn
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Old 02-05-2003, 11:55 PM
sn250s sn250s is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 55
Goofy story;

When I was about 18 - 19 the "Miss America in Penthouse" thing happened. I was working in an office with dozens of 35-60 year old women. One day one of the Ladies (about 55) gives me about 20 bucks and asks if I'd go buy them a couple of copies of Penthouse. "We just can't do it - it wouldn't be proper."

They can't buy it but they want to see it? Go figure. I'd never done that before but I decided "Hell it ain't for me, why not."

Plunked down the money, bagged the mag. Back to work.

Then things got freaky. Picture you're a teen looking at porn with a room full older women. For an 18 year old it was kind of like looking at porn with your mom. Very odd.

Some of the women kept saying things like "Look at that, can you believe her boobs look like that. Look at what she is doing with that woman! Look where she has her hand!"

All I'd say was "Wow, thanks for pointing it out!"

LOL Man I've got some good memories...
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