Thread: Shaved Pussy
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Old 06-29-2001, 10:58 AM
Posts: n/a

This is probably one of your more boring posts..its my first. But I have looked at the threads of a lot of you out there and seen that the internet is not a place for the faint heated and totally honest (lets be honest people are people).. I must admit that I have been fascinated by some of the discussions and esp. the jpegs and banter associated. What I am trying to say os that I have been turned on and hav summmoned up the courage to find a more active way to get arousee when I visit this site. I have pleasured myself and my better half aafter visiting this site but am actuallt interesed in having a more hands on role in this arena. Or at least a try as I am not that conversant in the way of the net. Fuck I am boring, basically I want someone to post me pictures so I can jerk off too and I will return the favour. I'll be honest and say that I am no Adonis but I am not too shabby either.
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