01-23-2003, 12:46 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: NJ
Posts: 336
She was just diagnosed a little over two months ago and they haven't really seen each other much except on a few occasions but they talk a lot. She hasn't really had very serious sympthoms as of yet and her Dr. says she has a very good chance of a full recovery since this type of illness is cureable and has a very high success rate. Anyway, she has been talking a lot about him but hasn't wanted to tell him for her own reasons one being she doesn't want to make him feel obligated etc. I think having him beside her and being supportive would possibly give her the lift she needs to feel a little better. On the other hand that is something that could make someone very scared also. If she decides to tell him and he doesn't want to be with her I think she will feel even worse. Everyday this is an issue and I don't know what I should say about it.